Lets just eat together., Im not hungry. Your stomach growls, proving that you are lying. Ever since she was little she had heard her big sisters talk about their annual paintball tournament and couldnt wait until she was old enough to be able to participate. Alex could sense some underlying anger though, something at the core of this woman that went deeper than her having to work with National Citys DEO. You always go for the precarious ones! Kara laughs. The smile had never left Y/Ns face the entire time she was with them and as they reached the top of the Ferris Wheel she looked up at the night sky. Second in command to Director Henshaw., Nice to meet you, Alex, Lucy said with a knowing smirk. Emma, would you like to explain about the bottles?. She wipes a tear away, hating the thought of how low Lena got. ", Leaning out of breath against the kitchen counter and nervously tapping the marble area with her index, middle and ring finger at irregular intervals, she listened to the annoying beeping stopping before it turned into her sisters bright voice. You promise? Lena asks before you slip out the door. During the sentence she dropped, she stood up and put her hands on her hips in anger and disgust, waiting for his reply. Love you too. Kara responds back and sucks in her bottom lip. I understand your process of writing songs. Your heart squeezes on your chest because you kind of can guess what is the next sentence. Summary: Y/N gets hurt while carving pumpkins with her sisters. This tag has not been marked common and can't be filtered on (yet). Lena shakes her head and starts to sob again, despite trying to hold them in. There was a stern demeanor now set behind those green eyes. They watch as plates and glasses go flying and crash against the walls. You dont need it. Except pancakes, your pancakes are delicious. You said. Alex admired her classy, but effective scare tactics. A series of one-shots focusing on the dynamic between Carol Danvers (Ms. Marvel) and Peter Parker (Spider-Man). Warnings: Angst, fluff, emotions the usual, Pairings: Alex Danvers x Sam Arias, Kara Danvers x OC. They wait patiently for your time, for your truth. Then Kara will obviously tell Alex. Before the blondes feet hit the floor, words started to nervously spill out of the redheads mouth. So, you said you still feel the same way? Why is she crying?. It cant be ! He was freaking out for the first time. It would be good PR, the excuse isnt lousy or ridiculous. And even then, they knew better then to cross that line. Im okay., Thank you Robyn for your honesty. Alistair nods in appreciation and sits up in his chair. No, they need to know what you did when you came to mine. Robyn says fiercely, her fury mounting. Plus, forgive me, but DC has their own damn branch of the DEO. Emma starts lip syncing perfectly to Robyns voice, something that is a bit jarring to everyone. A Luthor always know how to fight. She responded proudly and you were so amazed by her confident. Wow. Ben whispers out, feeling his heart being tugged at the utter pain being portrayed in Emmas eyes. You dont. She doesnt want to share the bed with her friend, she only wishes for them to talk like they used to but Lena is never open for that. We are trying to help her, not shame her or cause more friction., Sam steps forward and tenderly moves Alexs hair out of her eyes. Alex stood up and retrieved her pumpkin, handing it to her little sister so she could continue carving it. Alexs blood starts to boil. Alex strategically stared her down. I should get going. Immediately, the auburn-haired woman came running. Ok first of all, the mac and cheese wasn't that messed up. She said defending herself. The raven haired woman tries to hold it together but her eyes fill with unwanted tears and a lump forms in her throat. In time she stares into the fire and her eyes become unfocused and distant as she watches the dancing flame. Im ready to kick butt and take names!. A/N:So im sorry its realy short but i think its good hope you will as well. #Baby!Danvers on Tumblr Where's Alex? You ask, hugging her back. "Please, sweetheart." Emma grins and sits on a blanket, she softly strums the guitar while listening to the conversations around her. Her clothes were simple and not elegant as usual; jeans, a blouse, cuddly ankle boots and a flowing, long coat. Despite the situation you were, you couldnt help but felt a shiver at her words. But our love for you has never been an illusion. "Look, all her things.. Maybe Kara or Alex/Maggie/Lena confront him when she runs out the door or something? you thought. ", "Calm down, Luthor. But the hope quickly drops when they show the word she is dreading: Inconclusive. But this time, it had destroyed her family as well. Oh God.. she took the word as it got pretty quiet between both of you; the only sound there could be heard were cars in the background. As if she never lived here. I cant give it a rest until Im done, ok? For how long was he here ? To get everything off your chest; she knew exactly how you felt when he disappeared and that you partly blamed yourself for it. They were ready. Stop doubting my cooking skills and eat. Youre under arrest Charles Hoopers. You screamed : LENA ! you opened your eyes, ready to search for her when you heard her. She sips the tangy liquid and glances over at Jonn. The woman smirked and crossed her arms, turning her full attention to Alex. I know about Ben. She said, looking you straight in the eyes. Lily nuzzles into her, keeping pressure on her side and keeping Emma grounded while she continues to listen. Discover more posts about Baby!Danvers. You nodded and she hugged you hard. As Alistair said yesterday, we all need to work together. She glances over at Robyn. . Because lunch involves eating, and you, well, youre not particularly fond of eating. "Your siblings are worried sick.". Or will this current storm be more than their relationship can weather? Your science background is showing. Robyn jokes as she opens the book, smiling at a toddler Alex hugging Elizas swollen stomach. Take a deep breath for me, Em.. Its food. Lets ask Marvin : Marvin how long it takes to make an omelet ? Hey. Two voices greet her, making Emma jump out of her skin and slip on the sand. Alex was like a daughter to him, and he was usually pretty good at reading his girls, but sometimes, when that near teenage, rebellious, Leave me the fuck alone attitude came to surface, hes learned to give them space and cool down. Im with you. I know how this branch of the DEO operates, Lucy began. But Sam grows concerned at her best friends pale face. Yes. Brainy responds. One step at a time, ok? She cleans your tears with her hands. Her eyes fall on Lena who seems fixated with her hands. Wrapping her coat tightly around her body, she cleared her throat before speaking again. She decides to try something. Despite what she did, we forgave her.. Robyn? Alistair asks. Kara zips over and opens it. Let go of me! Alex snaps as Lena stands in the doorway. Alex had plopped down on an office chair, sipping her coffee with her eyes furrowed. But do you still feel the same way? Kara asks hesitantly and Emma pauses. I love you too Lena. How can we move forward and help you see we were wrong? Sam asks while holding Alexs hand. Emma approaches Robyn, who hands Emma her new guitar to play. Running into their past parents and past demons. I really wanted to give her a piece of my mind, but then I saw how broken she was and in a worse state than me. She is restless and frustrated. Jonn just squinted as he examined Alexs behavior and shook his head. See a recent post on Tumblr from @ynsimagines about Baby!Danvers. I started drinking after the breakup with Lena. We need to find her and fast.. Well, if one of your definitions ofbusy wassubtly-using-heat-vision-powers-to-destroy-the-guts, which was what Kara was doing. Feel free to participate and upload your work surrounding these dorks. Which Emma is allowed to feel. Alistair quickly interjects, feeling the build up of confusion and hurt in the room. Im sorry.. Could you right a Kara Danvers x daughter reader, where Y/n has a boy friend and kara finds out and confront reader. That she didnt break Emmas heart and make her believe it was all an illusion! Oh, so we dont even have an actual reason? Im so glad you came in. Ready to go? Jonn asks, holding out her coat and trainers for her. You wanted to get rid of him- he was no longer a part of you and never will be again. Who knew a pair of glaces could do such miracles ! I don't believe you. She says taking a bite. Would anyone like a drink before we start? Eliza offers, noticing Emma didnt have one. You undersood : During her fight with the man, Lena throw it in front of you, how she ended up to have this gadget you didnt know but it was genius ! In the meantime, the woman stepped close to Alex once more, with the redhead automatically stepping back again. Please stay. Baby Kara Danvers - Works | Archive of Our Own Finally ! I love you. It was surprisingly amazing. Guys, I appreciate you both worrying about me. No, you dont. Alex stumbles around the bed and makes her presence known by clearing her throat. I know you guys are being sober but it was like an itch I needed to scratch. Get food into her. Alex is clearly talking to Kara, and she comes closer with pancakes for you. Fucking idiots!. Her tone says too much. Instead, he turned to leave when Lena held him back one last time. Medical help, our help, friends support. Did I mean them? Emma tilts her head, finishing Karas sentence for her. The DEO infirmary went silent when director Danvers walked in closely followed by supergirl. Jonn, I just got in, got soaked from head to toe from the damn sideways fucking rain, and its 7am in the goddamn morning. She instantly removed it, shaking it in hopes of it granting her even the slightest bit of relief. Major, was it? Alex mimicked. She called in sick for you, but it would be impossible for the two of them to do the same. Alex pulls her friend into a hug and knows there must be more that Lena isnt saying. The conversation lulled after that, all of them listening to the radio and just enjoying a moment to relax before they got home. Or was it? How bout we take Lily for a walk? He offers and Emma barely nods. Robyn woke up with a jump from feeling heavy licks and pressure on her torso. Revealing a ring with an emerald diamond. Just because you exist and tell me all these things doesnt mean they are true. Alex bites her lips before finally talking. Alex storms from the apartment and punches the call button on the elevator. JUSTICE LEAGUE WW, FLASH are here. She tries her best to calm you, but the truth is, there is nothing she can say. Of course she was in a particularly bad mood because Lena had to leave last minute for a business trip when Alex was very much looking forward to spending her day off with her, but she was pretty sure getting any, wasnt the reason why. Language: English Words: 3,182 Chapters: 1/1 1 Kudos: Her passion radiates from the screen. Parents Alex Danvers/Maggie Sawyer - Works - Archive of Our Own Ive missed you too, Lee. You finally part the hug, looking at her with a wide smile. They discover surprising discoveries about their parent's past lives. Yeah, um, I think the sushi didnt sit well. You finally detach yourself from her, smiling through the tears. Please dont kill her ! We need you, Alex.. This is the story of Kara Danvers-Allen from Earth-57. Youve been here too many times before, so you know exactly where the bathroom is. I agree its good. Lena takes a sip of her own before lowering her mug to her lap. Dont blame me., Were not blaming you. Alex reassures you, immediately touching your arm for comfort. Feeling the burn slide down her throat and course through her system. At that time there were other methods of protecting your children, most notably Y/n.". Did you not hear anything I just said? But now Just have a bite with me. Lena pleads moving to the couch. . Ill let you finish your coffee while I assemble a task force for this mission, but when youre done, Jonn said, pointing a finger to her, then tapping on the manila folder, read this and get briefed on the situation. And they may kidnaped me because of my attached strings with supergirl.. But by the way you cowered earlier, she said as she stepped forward, regaining the edge. Alex soon joins the search, going to the opposite side. Unsure where the line was and if they were taking sides but Robyn gives her a scathing look before she can explain that. Fall had come to the city and it was time for the Danvers sisters annual tradition of paintballing. Y/N: Gosh, you guys are so melodramatic. May I offer a few suggestions? Alistair injects and Emm nods. Lena Luthor seemed close to a dropout, despite her calm demeanor. As the two squared off, Jonn palmed his face and dragged his hand down. You are everything you see on everyone else but yourself, ok?. Shes one of you right? Robyn shoots back. They only had that one conversation on the Fortress of Solitude, then everything went to shit in some many ways. Sorry you had to see that. You flush and smile harder, forced, fake. What? Ive read up on the DC DEO branch too, and the crap you guys pull, well, it towers over ours, and even you, Alex finished with a smirk. I know, I know, Alex murmured soothingly, while Kara rubbed Y/Ns arm, wanting to comfort her in any way she could. You do think that all the laughter that had accumulated over the years was still in the walls, you could still hear them so clearly with every single memory. But as soon as she walked through the door, she was gripped by an uncomfortable cold and terrible silence she didn't knew. You do make it to the place, to realize it is a pet cemetery. According to our files, theres a lot of protocols being broken here. Supergirl Alex x Daughter!reader Hip Surgery. The four women follow the blonde into the back room where Emma lifts the suitcase onto the coffee table and opens it, revealing it to be packed with mostly empty bottles. So im not gonna ask you once more. The song builds and builds until the key change hits. You broke her. I knew she was with them! Lucy says exasperatedly and digs for her phone in her pocket while continuing to watch. Love please look at me !, Shhh dont talk baby, please save your strength, ___________________________________________, Okay one more part to go ! I am deeply hurt by your words, young lady. You laughed and moved over to the stove. (Y/N) ! She notices how troubled her sister looks. To say that you threw yourself into work after that would be an understatement. Lunch. The youngest member of the Danvers family was excited since it was her first time getting to participate in the tradition. Shall we?. It sure looks that way! You swallow the lump on your throat and the tears that insist on coming when you realize that last night actually happened and you did just lose your cat. Your sisters have been texting you for days about game night, then sisters night, then a CatCo event, but all of their texts are left on seen. Normally Kara and the others had an all out war but with the youngest Danvers present they decided this year would be different. Emma? Shes taken Lily for a walk. Robyn explains and sees Alex tense up. They had gone years without anyone sustaining an actual injury, but this year ended up breaking that record, and would be a story for the ages. Supergirl lands in front of you, with a shoebox in hand. I did that to her. She chokes out and a sob breaks through. Youre smart, and sweet, and beautiful, and funny, and so important to us. . Several times she called your name but when there was no answer to her question just an echo, she walked the last few steps to your room and threw the door wide open. He managed to grab your arms and clasped your wrist tightly, so that you couldnt shake them off at first. "See you tonight at our place?" Emma yawns and rubs her eyes, clear fatigue is etched on her face. But we have to keep you safe if we want her to catch them, she wont be alble to to anything if they treaten you., I promise i will protect you (Y/N) i meant it when i said i loved you. I cant say anything other than Im sorry. Alex begins. I made you pancakes, please eat something ok?, She kisses your forehead, delicately. Agent Vasquez wanted me to show you this. Reiff pulls out a tablet and holds it out for Alex. But we all need to be honest with each other too. Alex hesitates and focuses back on her baby sister. This was once your favorite, she is right. Which makes your heart sit heavy inside, and the food comes back out without you having to force it. Please, ill do whatever you want, please !. To hear another voice timed with Emmas lips. Some fucker accidentally lit up the place with a single shot, causing several casualties and a shit ton of paperwork for me to fucking deal with when I get back. You still have a lot of work to do, you need more coffee if you want to keep working. Her gaze falls on the collage of photos on the wall, the beaming smiles of her family and friends. You sit on the sidewalk, to be fair its more like your legs are weak and you cant hold yourself up at that moment. It has been nothing, but you being stuck inside your raging mind, with a voice yelling that youre not good enough, that everything you do is wrong, that you cant control anything in your life except this. Its not your fault its their ! You quickly hid your face in your hands. Kara places a comforting hand on Lenas shoulder as she looks in concern at Lenas sad face. Its so fast the way your brain starts calculating how many calories you can still have today and if an extra cup of black coffee is worth all of it. They wait until you have the first bite, so they can start eating too. Sure. You smile, though on the inside youre feeling quite the opposite. Youre the boss!, Jonn just shook his head once more and walked away, leaving Agent Danvers to cool down.