A list of some of Africa's most prominent cults and secret societies of all time. Instead, each settlement had its own lodge of the . It became a truly multi-group society, finding its' way to almost all groups in the region and gaining dominance in . The kp ("leopard") society represents an ancient African institution that provided the supreme functions of governance in the communal societies of the forest regions of the Cross-River basin and the hilly terrain to the east, in what is called today southeastern Nigeria and southwestern Cameroon. One theory asserts that Ukpong Atai Atai Ema Atai, Adim Atai Atai Ema Atai and other co-founders founded Obutong after one of Eyo Ema's people was killed during a wrestling match with Ukpong Atai at Creek town. One account narrates that the Mbiabo group left first to their present location while the Iboku, Enwang and other clans were still at Ndodoghi. Nair dates the arrival of the Efik towards the end of the seventeenth century or the beginning of the eighteenth century. [45] What is most certain is that the Efik arrived Creek Town led by Edidem Eyo Ema Atai together with Oku Atai Atai Ema Atai, Ukpong Atai Atai Ema Atai, Adim Atai Atai Ema Atai, Efiom Ekpo Efiom Ekpo and several others. [61] These papers were signed by the reigning monarchs of Creek town and Duke town who were Eyo Honesty II and Eyamba V.[61] King Eyamba and King Eyo had written letters to the British requesting that they bring in teachers to teach them trade and commerce and missionaries to aid them to know more about God. The economics of the society is based on paying tribute to the village ancestors. The Ekpe Masquerade - SlideShare Some of the musical instruments that are important in the culture we have discussed are: the bala (balaphon), a kind of xylophone, and the kora, a gourd harp. Abaku is an Afro-Cuban men's initiatory fraternity, or secret society, which originated from the Ekpe society in the Cross River region of southeastern Nigeria and southwestern Cameroon. Ekpe members request nsibidi designs of personal or communal significance. English language is spoken in the South-Western part of Cameroon. [49] The Enwang are believed to have ruled Atakpa for a number of years. [37] A captured invader confessed that they were set to retrieve royal emblems which they believed the Efik had taken with them when they left Uruan. Hugh, Goldie. The Ekpe Society or Mgbe society as it is also fondly called is very reputable and covers a wider range of ethnic groups such as: the Efut; the Efik; the Qua-Ejegham, and the Okonko ( the Igbo-speaking areas). [76] Uffp (native gin) is distilled from palm wine and is sometimes mixed with the bark of Edat to increase the alcoholic content. expectations of the members to prioritize the group over their own families. PDF The Origin of Ekpe Masquerade and the Nsibidi symbols in Southern Instead, each settlement had its own lodge of the initiation society called kp, or "leopard," which was the highest indigenous authority. [52] On the death of Chief Willy Tom Robins, a number of rituals were performed. The Ogboni fraternity is said to have a strong affiliation to royalty, gerontological system of governance and the law enforcement of the community. [32] Another theory states that there was a disagreement between an Efik woman known as Abasi and an Uruan woman. The tentative program is as follows: January 27th and 28th, 2012. Some of the oldest of these societies were Nyana Nyaku and Nsibidi. While some explorers describe the Efik as travellers who past through the Ibibio country, others assert that the Efik are of Ibibio stock. Letters were also sent by King Eyo Honesty II to introduce missionaries and technocrats into the country with emphasis on the latter. [19], The Ibibio origin of the Efik is one of the most popular among scholars. The society is somewhat akin to a free mason group and does some unofficial law enforcement. Although used exclusively by members of Ekpe, ukara is produced by a sub-group in a village of the Ezillo community in present-day Ebonyi State in the Igbo area in southeastern Nigeria. It may not display this or other websites correctly. [77] Women wore a number of brass rings on their legs and arms. National Museum of African American History and Culture. Jeffreys also stated, "There is reason to believe that a considerable portion of a small Ibibio clan called Ebrutu or Eburutu was the earliest stock of the Efik; for, when the missionaries settled in 1846 at Old Calabar amongst these people for the first time, it was found that they called themselves not Efik but Ebrutu or Ebrutu Efik. Colonial Anthropologist M.D.W. Ekpe Efik was used as a government instrument in Bakassi in exercising authority for more than 200 years ago [4]. [34] When the Uruan woman realised that Abasi had broken her axe, she insisted that the axe should be repaired. While their political authority is largely diminished today, Ekpe membership is still prestigious and the society continues to be a unifying force among the Ejagham, Igbo, Efik, Ibibio, and other cultural groups in the Cross River region. The Social Significance and Implications of the Ekpe - PhilArchive The origins of these symbols date way before colonization, but, from my understanding, the use of these symbols died out as the influence of Ekpe secret society lessened. AHR ~ 125 [48] Jeffreys theory is unpopular with a large majority of the Efik. After the decline of the slave trade, the Efik transitioned into the business of exporting palm oil from the Cross river. [72] Iwewe is also regarded as a sacrificial meal often prepared for the Efik deities. The story of The River Between by Ngugi wa Thiong'o, takes place in _________________ (name of present-day country) in the mid 1800's. This theory asserts that the Efik migrated from Palestine or somewhere close to Palestine. Animals such as goats, chicken and dogs are consumed in Efik cuisine. We are about loving, encouraging, embracing, teaching, and building with black people. Origin Nsibidi symbols which are indigenous to Igbo, Ibibio, Efik, Annang and Ekoi/Ejagham members of the Ekpe society. LEFT Omabe Eze sewing an ukara, Ezillo, southeastern Nigeria. Membership in the Ekpe (Egbo), or Leopard, society, for example, available to wealthy men who can meet the expense involved, confers high social status and political authority; these men participate in ceremonies concerned with ancestral spirits and are believed to protect the community through magic and religious ritual. I am a young researcher who have a great love for forest conservation, community . Another theory which is narrated by Forde and Jones states that the name "Efik" translates to "Tyrants" or "He who oppresses" and was the name of which the Efik called themselves after they had settled at Creek town.[12]. Within Nigeria, the Efik can be found in the present-day Cross River State and Akwa Ibom state. Photo by Jordan Fenton. [77] The fibre of the leaf-stalk of a palm was made into a thread and woven to make clothes and bags. [67] Communities within the Calabar metropolis such as Efut, Kiong and Qua also speak and understand the Efik language. Have you ever thought about starting a secret society? She said as a member of the Ekpe Society of the Efiks, she participates in the Ekpe activities. In its vastness, the Ekpe is a well structured society with semi-caste characteristics, in that, there are categories and titles which one may qualify to be initiated into, while others are strictly reserved for persons of certain status and backgrounds. As Sidney Kasfir has pointed to (in reference to the Ekpe society in southeastern Nigeria and adjoining Cameroon), material, performative, and ritual structures in masking are not fused together but can be used to different ends and can travel different paths ( Kasfir 2019: 15). [66] Tanzania and the Art of Africa | JTArtRave [32] At night when everyone had gone to sleep, the men from Uruan rose up and began to slaughter their hosts. Ukara cloth also consecrates the interior of Ekpe lodges, where larger versions of the cloth hang as backdrops. I am manyang Mathilda Nkwo of Akiriba village , upperbanyang and I am and still is oneof the oldest living practing manyangero in Manyu. African Script - Culture - Nigeria The group has managed to stay mostly hidden for over more than 100 years. Eye of the Needle - Ken Follett 2015-07-07 The worldwide phenomenon from the bestselling author of The Pillars of the Earth, World During the colonial era, The Efik language was the only language taught in schools in many parts of the present-day Cross River and Akwa Ibom state. Ethnographic - (Head crest, Ejagham People): Worn by a member of the Ekpe Society to intimidate and punish anyone who has broken tribal law. [58] Antera Duke also known as Ntiero Edem Efiom was an Efik trader whose diary reveals several daily activities in Old Calabar between 1785 and 1788. It is also used by the Igbo and Efik. Other trading items sold by the Efik included rubber, ivory, barwood and redwood. The papers include photographs, audio and video recordings, publications, correspondence and printed material primarily relating to Miller's study of the linguistic, musical and ritual influence of West African kp society (predominantly in Nigeria and Cameroon) on . [49] Prior to the arrival of the Efiom Ekpo group, oral tradition has it that when some Efik migrated to Creek town from Ndodoghi, The Enwang did not join them but migrated to the present site of Duke town. According to Asuquo, Asibong Eso of Obutong was Old King Robin; Ekpenyong Efa of Adiabo was King John; Ani Eniang Nkot of Mbiabo Ikoneto was Robin King Agbisherea; Oku Ukpong Eton Ani of Mbiabo Ikot Offiong was William King Agbisherea; while Ukorebi Neneng Esien Ndem Ndem of Obomitiat Ikoneto was King Ebrero[55]. Talbot asserts that a great cotton tree had fallen down on many of the Abayen and in their pride of numbers, they believed they could hold the cotton tree. The Prestigious Ekpe Masquerade of Calabar | ngEmbassy The symbols are arranged in a grid, giving the cloths an orderly, symmetrical quality that is often reinforced by repeated patterns. [1] Ekpe members always wear masks when performing their police duties, and although individuals may nonetheless be recognized, fear of retribution from the ikan stops people from accusing those members who may overstep their limits. [71] Meals such as Iwewe were fed to children and old people with no teeth or fragile teeth. Archaeological evidence found that the group was extremely advanced in education for its time, and headed the construction of the Valley of the Kings. Types of African Print Fabrics You Should Know Of - Fashinza through the Illuminati Iwas able to become rich, and have many industry on myown and become famous and popular in my country , todayme and my family is living happily and I am the mosthappiest man here is the opportunity for you to join theIlluminati and become rich and famous in life and be likeother people and you life we be change totally.If you areinterested in joining the great brotherhood Illuminati.thencontact him +2348106618681 or for more information +1(705)8062021 email:illuminatibrotherpowerful@gmail.com or you need my assistance email:danjerry04@gmail.com Shame to the Manyu people and great men o Manyu, that you as enlightened as I know will willfully distort a tradition that back dates as long as 400 to 800hundred. "[29] Essien's criticism is supported by the fact that in some Efik trado-religious songs, Atakpor Uruan is greatly extolled. Efik traders could speak, write and read the English language. cherryblossom wrote on WARRIOR's profile. The Ekale and their famous shaking shoulders performing at the "Under the Volcano Festival", Limbe Cameroon. a king whose attempts to have a special son lead him to make bargains with one Islamic missionary and two noble travelers. Bell of King Eyo Honesty II at Creek Town, Ekeng ita (also known as James Henshaw), Obong of Henshaw Town (c.a 1875). [79] Ikpaya a royal type of gown also made from raffia. Wake Keeping, Viewing and service in Dallas, Texas. [65] Cannons were shot at the town and every house was levelled to the ground. This material is believed to have been imported by the Portuguese (Oboriki). It proved to be the source of supreme authority in all Efik towns, and its institutions provided, in the past, the highest court whose verdicts transcended all else. A delegation of kp 'leopard' society initiates, as well as family members, traveled from Mamfe, Manyu Division of southwest Cameroon, to Yaound, the Cameroon capital to honor and reclaim the body of their leader and father, who had recently transited to the ancestors. The society is now seen as a fraternity along the masonic lines which tries to represent the interest of Efiks. What I want for dollar side is a fine coat and sword all same I tell you and the rest in copper rods. Barbot documents that between 1698 and 1699, payments for provisions were made at Calabar to the following chiefs; Duke Aphrom, King Robin, Mettinon, King Ebrero, King John, King Oyo, William King Agbisherea, Robin King Agbisherea, and Old King Robin. "[35] Simmons assertion which was made in his 1958 dissertation is similarly reiterated at the Hart's enquiry in 1964 by chiefs such as Chief Efiom Obo Effanga of Obutong. Prior to 1905, Old Calabar was a term used to describe the Efik settlements of Duke Town, Creek Town, Old town, Cobham town, Henshaw town, Adiabo and Mbiabo (consisting of Mbiabo edere, Mbiabo Ikot Offiong and Mbiabo Ikoneto). Also i want bomb and shell. Cameroon's multilingual Cross River basin. Hope Waddell, Samuel Edgerley and four others. http://Ekpesociety.blogspot.com; www.ekpe.org; http://Ekpesocietyusa.blogspot.com; http://ndiboyevengo.blogspot.com, Ekpe Society 1st Conclave from Sept 16 to 17 2009, Ekpe DC Sessekou relaxing during the conclave, Ekpe Society members with Justice Hilman Egbe at a MECA DC meeting, Ekpe Chief Maurice Enoh's funeral in Dallas on January 27th and 28th 2012, Maurice Enoh: The 1st Manyu Ekpe USA Sessekou to die in USA, Maurice Enoh returning from his crowning ceremony as Ekpe Chief in Kepelle Village, Ekpe-USA received at the Smithsonian Museum. Internal details about the membership and brotherhood demands of this ancient group is supposedly a top secret known only to the members. [5] . an extraordinarily powerful woman, who can change herself into a buffalo, the proud oldest daughter of a king, who insists on being respected, enraged by her brother's refusal to give her the inheritance she feels she is owed, guilt-ridden for having killed many of her brother's people, and for having pushed her youngest sister too hard and too soon into magical power. According to Simmons, "Most Informants maintain that the first people to Inhabit Creek Town were Efut fishermen from the southern Cameroons. [69] The Ekpe spirit cannot be seen by the uninitiated and is represented by Idem Iquo, a masquerade dressed in Esk, a multicoloured costume decorated with other traditional accoutrements. Our editors will review what youve submitted and determine whether to revise the article. Long time we no look Man-of-War as Blount promise one Frenchman come make plenty palaver for slave when we can't get them. [39] At Ndodoghi, the Efik priest-king Ema Atai Ema Atai died and was succeeded by his son Eyo Ema Atai Ema Atai Iboku. Nsibidi/Ekpuk Philosophy and Mysticism - Academia.edu What role does religion play in society today? The society combines a kind of freemasonry with political and law enforcing aims. part of the Balondos or Orokos in Ndian in Southern Cameroon) and Idombi (ie present town, called Bamusso in Ndian-Southern . Due to the Obutong massacre of 1765 and several other incidents, the Ekpe society of Old Calabar was transformed into the Abaku cult in Cuba, the Bonk cult in Bioko and the Abakuya dance in mainland Equatorial Guinea. [82] The name Itu ita translates to three manatees and is named because the masts of the ship resembled the manatee (Itu). Nsibidi | Eneke The Bird Aye provides the following names among these priest-kings including Ema Atai Iboku, Ekpe Atai Iboku, Ukpong Atai Iboku. He views the Cuban initiation system known as Abaku, which was based on kp society, as a collective way for African descendants to maintain their historical memory. [52] The breach of agreement to halt such practices was punished by blowing Ekpe on Obutong and forbidding funeral rites of the chief until the murderers were brought to justice. Here are 8 prominent cults and secret societies in Africa [51] Due to the custom of killing twins, Edem Efiom is said to have aided Okoho Efiom in sneaking out of Creek town to Nsutana. The destruction of Obutong occurred in 1854. They are well respected agents of wealth distribution in the community.. Goldie describes Eburutu as a country that consists of various ethnic groups. Ukara: Ritual Cloth of the Ekpe Secret Society - YouTube Oral tradition holds that a type of clothing known as "Itu ita" was the earliest fabric imported into Old Calabar. The presentation, by Ekpe members from Cameroon, Nigeria and Cuba was arranged by Chief Dr. Ivor Miller and coordinated by Sessekous Ojong-Orock, Joseph Mbu and Mbe Tazi. Among these included Yams, Fufu and an unidentified type of black soup frequently mentioned in 19th century Old Calabar literature. Living in what is now Southeast Nigeria and Southwest Cameroon, the people were physically divided by British and German colonial holdings in Africa. My party of 4 spent $400 at Space 220 in Disney World. The Sunjata Epic is usually understood to tell the story of: the rise and fall of the seven Nubian (Kushite) kings. Members of the Ekpe society are said to act as messengers of the ancestors ( ikan ). NSUWorks - Nova Southeastern University Institutional Repository Each grade has a chieftain or an Obong. "Egbo" redirects here. The Efik are an ethnic group located primarily in southern Nigeria, in the southern part of Cross River State. Membership in the Ekpe (Egbo), or Leopard, society, for example, available to wealthy men who can meet the expense involved, confers high social status and political authority; these men participate in ceremonies concerned with ancestral spirits and are believed to protect the community through magic and religious ritual. Nsbd: An Indigenous Language of Communication in the Cross River In The River Between, Waiyaki's father, Chege, is: The new, white man's religion is represented by the: Early in the story, Waiyaki undergoes his "second birth". Photo by Eli Bentor. It was technically part of Nigeria, according to history, which was the reason we had the National Council of Nigeria and the Cameroons (NCNC). The Efik acted as the middlemen between the European vessels and the inland slave traders. [45] internal dissensions and population expansion led to the movement of several families from Creek Town to Obutong, Atakpa, Nsidung and Ekoretonko. It is a male-only society, and members are bound by secrecy. Among these cuisines include Ekpang nkukwo, Edikang Ikong, Afia efere, Anyan Ekpang, Afang soup and several others. In his well researched thesis titled "Ekpe Imperium in South Eastern Nigeria", Anwana (2002) identified a plenitude of evidences to validate the Ejagham/Ekoi origins of the Ekpe society. Ekpe Society Emblem, Ejaham, Cameroon Dog Fetish, Vili, Congo Mlbuya (sickness) mask, Pende, Zaire Nimba Mask, Baga, Guinea Picasso Les Demoiselles d'Avignon, 1907 Les Demoiselles d'Avignon, 1907 (detail) Les Demoiselles d'Avignon, 1907 (detail) Bust of a Woman, 1931 Tte de taureau (Bull's Head), 1942 La chvre (The goat) 1950 Other references Aye and Eyo Okon Akak. [46] On their exit from Obutong, they are believed to have sought the permission of Oku Atai to use the Ntinya. The Oroko (also Bareka/Batekka) are an ethnic group in Cameroon.They belong to the coastal Bantu group, widely known as Sawa, and primarily occupy the Ndian and Meme divisions of the Southwest Region of Cameroon.The people predominantly speak Oroko, English, and Cameroon Pidgin English.The Oroko are related to several ethnic groups (or tribes) in Cameroon's coastal areas, with whom they share . The Ekpe is a men's society found in Abiriba, Aro-chukwu, Ohafia and many other Bende communities in Igbo land, it is a variation of the important Egbo Ejagham ( Ekoi) in the Upper Cross-River as well as the Efik Ekpe Society of Calabar. The Ekpo/Ekpe society is a significant part of the Ibibio political system. The Ekpe Masquerade Secret Cult of Efik People Of Nigeria