It claimed that population growth in those states was especially worrisome, since it would quickly increase their relative political, economic, and military strength. God blessed this operation and his world will be saved. With Deagels sources absolutely thedeep stateas we see in the screenshot below from their website before it was totally removed,with agencies such as the CIA, the US State Department, the US Department of Defense, the World Bank, the European Union and others as theirsources, did Caseys viral expose about Deagels absolutely bizarre forecasts of a greatlydepopulatedWestern world by the year 2025 lead to their removal? Both in military and economic terms China is at the same level and in some specific areas are far ahead. you may want to think about getting off word press. Sadly many successive Indian Prime Ministers have been implementing this dangerous policy. A reliable website should clearly state the name of its creator. Smaller population is the best thing for the world. Something really important about Deagel and COVID: Deagel has China showing massive financial gains, and India showing large population gains. In past centuries people were lucky to get to their 30s or 40s. Yeah buddy! Strangely nobody in the US seems to be concerned about it. A conventional conflict involving at least two major powers that escalates into an open nuclear war. This conveniently allows them to ignore any data provided by official sources that conflicts with their results, a hideous combination of No True Scotsman and Cherry Picking. Please include what you were doing when this page came up and the Cloudflare Ray ID found at the bottom of this page. Im vaxxed but that is some BS. Deagel provides news and intelligence on international military aviation and advanced technologies. The website delivers this flow diagram in the form of a video. The study falsely claimed that population growth in the so-called Lesser Developed Countries (LDCs) like India was a grave threat to U.S. national security. It paid special attention to 13 key countries in which the United States had a special political and strategic interest: India, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Indonesia, Thailand, the Philippines, Turkey, Nigeria, Egypt, Ethiopia, Mexico, Brazil, and Colombia. A good website loads fast. If they remain tied to the former, Deagel Americas Most Secret Intelligence Agency, Stratfor is known in the intelligence community as Consultant CIA or, North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO OTAN), Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), It is quite likely that the economic crisis due to the. I have more to say, but ,will save that for another day ,,,thanks Garry . In six-years the scenario has changed dramatically. My neighbor says she cant wait for all the unvaxxed to die from covid so things will return to normal. links mass slaughter to vaccines in countries inhabited mainly by White people of European descent. While the numbers presented on the site are horrifying, there is zero evidence presented that backs the numbers up. 2014 Deagelliste Prognose 1 - Halbierung der Weltbevlkerung bis 2024. Do you know anything more about this since Dec.? (ANP NEEDS YOUR HELP:Donations and ad revenue areall that keep ANP online, so pleaseconsider donating to ANP to help keep us in this fight for Americas futureat this critical time in US history. Made famous by its infamous gloomy predictions :, predicts up to 80% of population culled by 2025 in countries where Europeans live UK, US, and Germany look to be "epicenters of slaughter" (Updated 1/16/23) James Hill, MD Dec 5, 2021 41 61 Researcher Craig Paardekooper released this report on predictions of global population reduction from military analysis website SGT Report is the corporate propaganda antidote. I am curious to see this thread continue and some of the original commenters update their "take" on what is going on and how that relates to the forecasts! It names no sources, only claiming to have obtained its estimates by gleaning information off of the Internet. Early on in a long interview with Tucker Carlson he said there was a sinister plan behind COVID, vax and suppression of early treatment. Your email address will not be published. This entire paragraph ignores basic facts about the virus, including its transmissibility, its total mortality, and the fact that even the worst recent Ebola outbreak only killed 11 thousand people in Africa, a continent with much lower standards of hygiene. Find that number hard to believe, but got curious about something. Das Ziel ist der Zusammenbruch des globalen Finanzsystems, in den nchsten Jahren. The whole thing reads like some kind of libertarian fanfiction. Remember again that no pandemic or war is projected in their model, so this would involve people dying at Black Death rates for no reason. The following is's recently revised disclaimer of its Forecast 2025. IMF, UN, USG, etc. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. The Alliance White Hats and many Patriots have won. If there is not a dramatic change of course the world is going to witness the first nuclear war. The Taepodong-X is apparently one of the more uncommon names for the Hwasong-10, or Musudan missile. Another Mossad and Tavistock dialectic, set up to distract from the (((Central banker criminal families))) who use the west to do their dirty work. For more information, please see our If the number skews more towards deaths, the numbers would rival or exceed The Black Death in sheer number of deaths. The report analyzes countries by projected population size, GDP, defense budget, and more. It is predicting a U.S. population decrease from current levels of around 316,000,000 down to 69,000,000 by 2025. The Great Reset; like the climate change, extinction rebellion, planetary crisis, green revolution, shale oil () hoaxes promoted by the system; is another attempt to slow down dramatically the consumption of natural resources and therefore extend the lifetime of the current system. I pull up the stats on US pop, do the math, and came up with 99 million unjabbed. and our Both, however, were quite badly hit by COVID deaths and because of the shutdowns domestically and in many of their export partner countries, they took major financial hits. Guide to Military Equipment and Civil Aviation. There website has articles dating back to 2003, but little is known about the real owners. The Emperors New Clothes! The Western world success model has been built over societies with no resilience that can barely withstand any hardship, even a low intensity one. Due to the controversy the prediction created, Deagel deleted the . : Doug Casey: Ive got to say that I wasnt familiar with Deagelit keeps a low profile. ( A girl said this after she killed a demon and saved MC). However, even at the worst point of the collapse of the Soviet Union's population (which was actually after the collapse of the Soviet Union as a whole) the population dropped from approx. A look at the Deagel website, which is quite sophisticated, makes it clear we're not dealing with some blogger concocting outrageous clickbait. The population will be hit so badly by a full array of bubbles and ponzi schemes that the migration engine will start to work in reverse accelerating itself due to ripple effects thus leading to the demise of the States. provided the 2025 forecast for population of each country. Please, on predictions of global population reduction from military analysis website. Several of them are rife with spelling issues and I to find it very bothersome to tell the reality nevertheless I will surely come again again. shadow sources such as Internet gurus, unsigned reports and others. (though it's really probably actually nothing more than. Follow Up: struct sockaddr storage initialization by network format-string, Euler: A baby on his lap, a cat on his back thats how he wrote his immortal works (origin? and our A light in the darkness! According totheir own website,, Deagel provides news and intelligence on international military aviation and advanced technologies. That I could accept. But what are the chances I figured the same number that is forecasted. This report must have terrorized alot of readers. Many online researchers have erroneously confused this site with "" which is owned by Edwin Deagle. Sheffield Utd X Tottenham - Ao Vivo Grtis HD Sem Travar | Futebol Grtis HD. The collapse of the Western financial system and ultimately the Western civilization has been the major driver in the forecast along with a confluence of crisis with a devastating outcome. (Some of the links in this guide are affiliate links. 1. According to their own website,, Deagel provides news and intelligence on international military aviation and advanced technologies. 5. CTRL + SPACE for auto-complete. Video of Chinese Spy Balloon Shot Down By US Fighter Jets. Site design / logo 2023 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under CC BY-SA. Here is a partial list of known Deagel partners and clients, according to their own website: This highly regarded intelligence organization has a grim outlook for the United States in the coming years including a 78% decrease in population. Now some claim these deaths will be due to COVID-vaccines "true purpose" of depopulating world. That's actually good news for a handful of countries. They fooled us for 6000 years well I have a message as I sip on my lizard soup- you are fucked! They have since updated their info to reflect a global depopulation predicted for 2025. @Adrenaxus, it is posted on, they describe themself as a platform where you can get paid for uploading content that attracts a lot of "likes". Deagel, a real intelligence organization for the U.S. government, predicts massive global depopulation (50-80%) by 2025 Few people know of this website and even more claim the organization. Today the worlds population is four times greater with air travel in full swing which is by definition a super spreader. (I still have my screenshots and also those saved from messages above.) Despite the overwhelming suppression of its significance, Deagel is routinely used by the CIA and other security outfits. There have been 63 new cases of Covid-19 recorded in the community in the past 24 hours, taking the total number of active cases to 210 . God bless America !!! The COVID crisis will be used to extend the life of this dying economic system through the so-called Great Reset." Our Social Networks Without a name (also known as a domain name), your website simply cannot function. Not a fan of coincidences at all. It would be the biggest thing in world history. According to their own website,, Deagel provides news and intelligence on international military aviation and advanced technologies. by Jila Ansari. Generally, websites created by government institutions (.gov) and educational institutions (.edu) are considered more reliable. It says that the data they used is widely available by institutions such as the CIA, FBI, etc. Hacker posted depop info on Deagel is a lie! A nuclear war is a game with billions of casualties and the collapse plays in the hundreds of millions. Just wondering if any of the commenters on this thread care to revisit this topic now, with our current pandemic and "The Great Reset" plans and Vaccine rollouts etc. I ran across this 2025 forecast by earlier this year as the pandemic was ramping up. Step 1. Yes it is just like .com .ca .us .ch it is what you type between that might be unreliable .org means it is an organisation which generally suggests it is reliable. Did any DOS compatibility layers exist for any UNIX-like systems before DOS started to become outmoded? I obtained their forecast data before it was taken down in April of this year. And to make it even easy for you, the website highlights the cheapest price in green. Skeptics Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for scientific skepticism. CIA Director George Bushwas ordered to assist Scowcroft, as were the secretaries of state, treasury, defense, and agriculture. It may not display this or other websites correctly. He was totally right. There website has articles dating back to 2003, but little is known about the real owners. I guess ignorance is bliss. Deagel is in the same business as Jane'swhich has been in the business of analyzing weapons systems for many decades. My hypothesis was that the cull would have an epicentre, centred in the countries/ powers who were running the pandemic namely the G7. 490. It says it references government and military web sources to make projections of things like population, GDP, PPP and the like for various countries, although it doesn't show the formulas. SHARES. Quoting: Anonymous Coward 85363205. . Russia is preparing right now about 50 new generation ICBMs, each can carry 16 hypersonic nuclear heads, casualties could be more than 200 million in 10 minutes. Both, however, were quite badly hit by COVID deaths and because of the shutdowns domestically and in many of their export partner countries, they took major financial hits. Start with yourself. It is extremely dangerous to stay in UK, USA or Germany the epicentres of this slaughter the places where they make the vaccines (4 in 5 will die here). 4. 1. Editor's Note: The geopolitical and economic forecasting found on the mysterious website has been discussed by alternative news media for close to a decade. Hes hedging for sure. Even Canada is shown to decrease from 34,000,000 to 27,000,000. As of 24 August 2020 this note is no longer available on their site, as their forecast page has been modified. Over the next decade it will become obvious that the West is falling behind the Russia-China block and the malaise might grow into desperation. Your email address will not be published. I ran across this 2025 forecast by earlier this year as the pandemic was ramping up. People killed themselves because a lot of people were moving to urban areas. Jihadists will be the preferred ideology for the so called NWO as it's designed for slaves to want to be slaves and if anyone speaks out its punishable by death, it encourages even family members to kill anyone including family any and all opposition. They killed themselves by a psychological factor. Then warning of the possibility of a major war in the 2020s that could lead to BILLIONS of casualties around the world, we find it alarming that a website which has been called by somea secretive intelligence agencythat was warning about the globalists sinister agenda has suddenly beenghosted. all very interesting, but,probaly all true,,,everyone out there, open your eyes, and see whats not written ,then you will be closer to the truth ,than anything thats written or videoed ,theres lots of you out there ,so keep this going ,and all will be wiser for the better ,take care and god bless you all ,thanks Garry. The explanation then veers suddenly off into a paragraph regarding the Ebola Virus, and asking readers to imagine a hypothetical scenario where the virus grew to Pandemic levels, infecting hundreds of thousands or millions of Americans. How Good Website Design Delivers Results. And while Deagel could be down for a major re-design of their website, to pop up again at some point in time in the future, as Carrie mentioned in her email to us, she thought it very odd that theyd go down for any kind of maintenance again so soon after they totally removed their 2025 forecast and their alarming note which warned of nuclear war in our futures. However, if the item isn't received, not as described, or you've any other fair reason then you should definitely ask for a refund (more on this later). Ab 2015 Beginn der gesteuerten Invasion von 90% Mnnern nach Europa (Trojanisches Pferd). Lets hope they overlook you. A good website design should be simple, functional, and consistent with your company's branding. You are using an out of date browser. When I visited the Deagel site two weeks ago, it only blamed the population drop of economic collapse, followed by loss of healthcare and a die off of the elderly as well as people fleeing the US. If they remain tied to the former World Orderthey will go down along Western powers. Here is a link to the scrubbed site by access thru Archive. First things first: every website needs a name. Six years ago the likelihood of a major war was tiny. Is this forecast predicting massive global depopulation until 2025 legit? Also warning within that note that the Western world had been built upon lies, weve gone ahead and republished it here as it was the last full communication that weve gotten from a verylinked inwebsite that used thedeep stateas their sources. Same person who would kick your head in when he is starving to get your food. Never in human history were so many elders among the population. Just wondering if any of the commenters on this thread care to revisit this topic now, with our current pandemic and "The Great Reset" plans and Vaccine rollouts etc. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. A good website is trusted by users. The Deagel forecast has predicted global depopulation of 50-80% by 2025. Deagel Website Predicts A Massive Drop in Population for Certain Countries by 2025 October 18, 2020 NoFakeNews Dr. John Reizer People are writing and commenting on a global military intelligence website that has been used by many countries as a guide for strategic military statistics and reports. Rapid cellular absorption - Amazing picometer ionic 60,000ppm. It is advised that people temporarily distance themselves from UK, USA and Germany. SGT Report is your daily source for truth in a time of universal deceit. The G7 countries are clustered near the top of the list their % population reductions are: 2. The list has been put together by the alleged "security firm" Deagel; The article says the following about Deagel: According to their own website,, Deagel provides news and intelligence on international military aviation and advanced technologies. Talking about the United States and the European Union as separated entities no longer makes sense. A LOT more. A nuclear war is a game with billions of casualties and the collapse plays in the hundreds of millions. However, an Oct. 1, 2003, U.S. Congressional Research Service report puts the range as up to 9,400 mi (15,040 km). Today on TruNews, we discuss a new prediction by the publishers of military-analyst outlet, forecasting that 233 million Americans will leave or be killed by 2025, and societal collapse, and nuclear and biological war with Russia and China will cause this dramatic end to the United States as we know it. As COVID has proven Western societies embracing multiculturalism and extreme liberalism are unable to deal with any real hardship. Cet ouvrage est une rdition numrique d'un livre paru au XXe sicle, dsormais indisponible dans son format d'origine. It is quite likely that the economic crisis due to the lockdowns will cause more deaths than the virus worldwide. A single reference to the range of a North Korean IRBM, with data that is freely available online, does not speak well of the quality of's research and reporting. Excerpts from theunnerving forecastare provided below: In 2014 we published a disclaimer about the forecast. For instance, in almost all British cities, mortality conditions in the 1860s were no betterand were often worsethan in the 1850s. removed 4 weeks after the container ship allegedly ran aground in the suez canal ,have you seen the Turkish tv news segment around 15 mins long with a very credible sounding guy that seemed to know a lot about what was on the ship ,sorry cannot provide a link but turkish tv news about a month or 6 weeks ago. CCP behind it ALL - WWIII w/o firing a shot. Not once did they mention aliens, entities, non-human forces or the anti-covid treatment in their statement. Je crois que c'est un des ouvrages les plus importants crits sur les conspirations. This has given the rise of the supremacy of the emotional arguments over the rational ones which are ignored or deprecated. This one is starting to be passed around the conspiracy circles as 'proof that the end is near' or 'proof of depopulation'. April 26, 2021 by Infinite Aaaaand it's gone - Forecast 2025: There are 179 countries listed with a forecast for 2025. Slate Milk - United States. Is there a single-word adjective for "having exceptionally strong moral principles"? While their previous predictions are not available on their website, The Internet Wayback Machine has been cataloging the page since 2007. Stack Exchange network consists of 181 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers. I think that there is a distinction to be made between "contributed" and "caused.". One particular source I have spoken to believes the current COVID-19 genocide will likely reduce in Articles. 290 million to 285 million. As of 2009, it was reportedly still in development. Deagel has for some time now predicted in its forecast for 2025 a steep decline in US population and that of the world. provided the 2025 forecast for population of each country. Theyve predicted that about 70% of the US population, and about the same percentage in Europe, is going to disappear by 2025. Both are the Western block, keep printing money and will share the same fate. Its hard to believe that anybody in their position would make a forecast like that.