Razor Ramon pinned Brian West at 3:20 with the Razors Edge USWA Champion Jeff Jarrett defeated Shawn Michaels via disqualification The 1-2-3 Kid defeated the Brooklyn Brawler Ludvig Borga defeated Scott Taylor via submission with the Torture Rack The Undertaker (w/ Paul Bearer) defeated Giant Gonzalez (w/ Harvey Wippleman) (sub. Crush defeated Doink the Clown Yokozuna (w/ Mr. Fuji) pinned Casey Cleric at 2:32 with the Bonzai Drop; after the bout, Raymond Rougeau interviewed Fuji & Yokozuna in the ring, with Rougeau saying that the opponent Yoko just defeated was no Bret Hart and that it was all about respect; this angered Fuji, who made Yoko attack his opponent and hit a belly-to-belly suplex and a second Bonzai Drop Tatanka defeated Skinner The Headshrinkers defeated Owen Hart & Koko B. Ware The Quebecers defeated WWF Tag Team Champions Rick & Scott Steiner via disqualification to win the titles at around the 22-minute mark after Scott stole a hockey stick away from Jacques and hit him with it; pre-match stipulations stated the titles could change hands on a count-out or disqualification and that a disqualification could be caused by using a piledriver, throwing your opponent over the top rope, or coming off the top rope; mid-way through the bout, Johnny Polo appeared ringside with the hockey stick (Polos debut as the Quebecers manager) (1993 Year in Review, Monday Night Raw: Prime Cuts) "Hitman" Hart, Randy "Macho Man" Savage, Jim Powers, "The Birdman" Koko B. Slaughter was the guest referee for the bout, WWF @ Oakland, CA Coliseum June 25, 1993 Terry Taylor defeated Jim Powers (sub. for Kamala) defeated Papa Shango Bob Backlund vs. the Berzerker Rick & Scott Steiner defeated the Executioners Papa Shango defeated Typhoon Brutus Beefcake defeated Terry Taylor (Beefcakes last WWF match) Jim Duggan defeated Mr. Hughes The Undertaker defeated Adam Bomb in a casket match Marty Jannetty vs. WWF IC Champion Shawn Michaels Rick & Scott Steiner defeated WWF Tag Team Champions Ted Dibiase & IRS via disqualification at around 10:20 when IRS hit Scott with one of the title belts as Scott had Dibiase covered after hitting the Frankensteiner; prior to the bout, the referee threatened to strip the champions of their title if they refused to give up IRS steel briefcase and allow it to be taken backstage (Global Warfare, Best of the WWF: European Rampage Tour, Best of the WWF: Battle of the WWF Superstars) Perfect came ringside, pulled Flair from the ring, and brawled with him before officials, including Sgt. Adam Bomb defeated Virgil WWF Tag Team Champions Rick & Scott Steiner defeated Ted Dibiase & IRS via reverse decision; Dibiase originally pinned Scott at around 15:30 after IRS hit him with his steel briefcase and then put Dibiase on top for the pin; moments later, another referee came out and told the original referee what happened and the decision was reversed; after the bout, Bonnie Blackstone interviewed Dibiase & IRS in the ring, where they said they were robbed out of winning back their titles and challenged the Steiners to a rematch the following week; the Steiners accepted the challenge at the end of the show The Smoking Gunns defeated Well Dunn following a piledriver on Steve Doll (Well Dunns debut) 8/22/93 included a Kings Court segment to open the show with guests WWF World Champion Yokozuna, Mr. Fuji, & Jim Cornette; during the segment, Jerry Lawler brought a fan from the crowd up who had a Lex Luger poster and asked him who the real king of wrestling was, with the fan sayiing Bret Hart; Yoko then grabbed the poster and ripped it up; included a Special Report segment focusing on Lex Luger where he talked about drugs in sports and admitted to using steroids in the past when they were legal but not using them now; Luger also said noone in the WWF was using them either; featured a vignette of the Undertaker in a graveyard discussing his upcoming Rest in Peace match with Giant Gonzalez at SummerSlam; included the Jim Duggan USA music video from WrestleMania: The Album: WWF Superstars (Italian version): Frank Anderson pinned Red Tyler at 4:39 with a running senton Bam Bam Bigleow defeated the Big Bossman Rick & Scott Steiner defeated WWF Tag Team Champions Ted Dibiase & IRS via disqualification, WWF @ Madison, WI Dane County Coliseum May 6, 1993 The Moondogs defeated USWA Tag Team Champions Ron & Don Harris to win the titles Perfect pinned Iron Mike Sharpe with the Perfect Plex at 4:40; prior to the match, Perfect grabbed the heavy ring girl by the face and put his chewed gum in her mouth, with the woman then chewing it; during the contest, Bobby Heenan was shown flipping TV channels at the commentary table after saying hed rather watch anything else than Perfect wrestle Papa Shango pinned Typhoon after Typhoon missed a splash Perfect pinned Lex Luger, WWF @ Exeter, England WestPoint Exhibition Centre April 10, 1993 (4,000) Crush defeated Repo Man Tatanka pinned Ricky Rich with the Samoan Drop Rick Martel defeated Max Moon (sub. Rick & Scott Steiner defeated WWF Tag Team Champions Ted Dibiase & IRS via disqualification 12/17/93: Several members of the WWF including Vince McMahon, Bret Hart, Lex Luger, the Undertaker, Randy Savage, the Smoking Gunns, and Stan Lane took part in a Salvation Army benefit dinner at the Paramount in New York City. Virgil pinned Reno Riggins Tito Santana defeated Skinner Tito Santana defeated Damien Demento Owen Hart defeated Terry Taylor Perfect), the 1-2-3 Kid, & Marty Jannetty defeated IRS, Rick Martel, Adam Bomb (w/ Harvey Wippleman), & Diesel in an elimination match at 26:59; prior to the bout, IRS cut an in-ring promo saying the fans should be happy his team wasnt going to their house to audit them; following Razors entrance, he took the mic and said Perfect tagged out before the match began and intrduced the replacement partner by saying he had as much machismo as himself, with Savage then appearing; Martel and Bomb argued at the 7-minute mark, during which Martel punched Wippleman and the teammates came to blows until Diesel and IRS intervened; Savage pinned Diesel with a bodyslam the flying elbowsmash at 10:20 after causing Bomb to collide with Diesel, then knocking Bomb to the floor with a running knee to the back; IRS pinned Savage at 16:48 with a scoop from the middle turnbuckle as Savage stood on the turnbuckle challenging Crush, who appeared ringside moments earlier, to come into the ring; moments earlier, Savage attempted to hit the flying elbowsmash on IRS, only for Crush to appear in the aisle and distract Savage; after the fall, Crush immediately returned backstage, with Savage then chasing after; Razor pinned IRS with the Razors Edge at 20:33; Razor was counted-out at 21:43 after IRS hit Razor in the gut with his briefcase behind the referees back as Razor set Martel up for the Razors Edge; moments later, IRS was seen bleeding from the eye area as he returned backstage; the Kid pinned Martel at 26:49 with a roll up out of the corner; Jannetty pinned Bomb with a sunset flip into the ring Tito Santana defeated Damien Demento Rick & Scott Steiner defeated the Beverly Brothers Jerry Lawler defeated Randy Savage via disqualification when Bret Hart interfered 4/11/93 included the debut of Jim Ross on Challenge as he did commentary alongside Bobby Heenan; featured WWF President Jack Tunney officially recognizing Hulk Hogan as the WWF World Champion, despite the protests of Yokozuna and Mr. Fuji, after footage of Gene Okerlund interviewing Yoko and Fuji following WrestleMania IX was shown; included a WWF Hall of Fame tribute video in honor of Andre the Giant; featured still photos of the confrontation between Sensational Sherri and Luna Vachon at WrestleMania IX; included a post-WrestleMania IX report with Sean Mooney in which he focused on the Undertaker vs. He is one wrestler whose face I have NEVER been able to get right. WWF World Champion Bret Hart defeated Ric Flair, WWF @ Baltimore, MD Arena February 8, 1993 (1,800) for Damien Demento) Jim Ross was in attendance at the show The Brooklyn Brawler defeated Brian Costello 3/15/93 featured Gorilla Monsoon, Bobby Heenan, & Rob Barlett as Vince McMahon on commentary; during the show open, Monsoon noted a blizzard changed the plans of the show but all the wrestlers that could be on hand for the show were; footage was then shown of the snow in Pougheekspie, before Monsoon noted McMahon & Randy Savage were in New York City; included a video package in which Randy Savage and the Rev. Bob Backlund defeated Repo Man All American Wrestling 5/30/93: Bam Bam Bigelow fought Bob Backlund to a time-limit draw at around the 9-minute mark; after the bout, Backlund challenged Bigelow to 5 more minutes, even leading the crowd in a 5 more minutes chant; after Bigelow seemingly accepted, he attacked Backlund from behind, threw him out of the ring, and then left ringside Adam Bomb (w/ Johnny Polo) pinned PJ Walker with the powerbomb Mr. Jeff Jarrett defeated USWA Southern Champion Brian Christopher to win the title Yokozuna vs. Randy Savage, WWF @ Tyler, TX Oil Palace January 3, 1993 The Nasty Boys fought the Headshrinkers to a double disqualification ? Tatanka defeated Papa Shango Rick & Scott Steiner defeated Barry Hardy & Duane Gill at 4:06 when Scott pinned Gill with the Frankensteiner The Rock & Roll Phantom defeated the Spellbinder WWF World Champion Yokozuna vs. Jim Duggan, WWF @ Calgary, Alberta Saddledome July 9, 1993 (6,000) 2/22/93 featured an opening shot of Rob Bartlett in the crowd, with fans holding up Hulk Hogan signs in the background; included Vince McMahon, Randy Savage, & Bartlett on commentary; featured a pretaped sit-down interview of McMahon with Hulk Hogan, in the same studio they used before WrestleMania VIII, in which Hogan said the future of Hulkamania was bright, admitted he had made personal and business mistakes in his past, discussed tabloid terrorism, said he wanted to be the leader of the 90s, noted Believe in Hulk Hogan was his new and fifth commandment, and that the fans wouldnt believe what he had to say on Raw; included an ad promoting tickets to WrestleMania IX; featured an outdoor segment in which Sean Mooney spoke with fans about how excited they were to see Hogan back in the WWF; included an ICO-PRO ad featuring WWF World Champion Bret Hart; featured a WWF Hasbro commercial; included McMahon conducting an in-ring interview with Hogan in which Hogan discussed watching the previous weeks match between Brutus Beefcake and WWF Tag Team Champion Ted Dibiase, then noting Beefcake would be OK; Hogan then thanked God and Jimmy Hart for the fact Beefcake wasnt injured further, said he was back in the WWF, and then called for Beefcake to join him in the ring; moments later, Beefcake came out, wearing sunglasses and a heavily taped nose, showing bruising around his eyes; Beefcake said he couldnt wait to face Money Inc., with Hogan then introducing Hart as he and Beefcakes new manager; Hart then appeared to a mixed reaction, said it was the greatest day of his life, he had long idolized Hogan, and Hogan & Beefcake would be the greatest tag team of all time; Hogan coined the name of the team as the Mega Maniacs and said they were after Money Inc. before then posing for the crowd (Hogans return after a year absence): Bam Bam Bigelow vs. Tatanka Yokozuna (w/ Mr. Fuji) pinned Ross Greenberg with the Bonzai Drop at 2:01; Savage had continued technical issues during the match and stole Rob Bartletts mic after the bout, taking Bartlett off commentary for the remainder of the show The Headshrinkers defeated the Smoking Gunns (sub. The 1-2-3 Kid pinned Rick Martel with a moonsault Eddie Gilbert defeated Doug Gilbert via count-out WWF IC Champion Razor Ramon pinned Crush (w/ Mr. Fuji) with a roll up at 7:09 after Crush thought he had won the match (Bloopers, Bleeps, & Bodyslams, Razor Ramon) Mr. Virgil pinned Iron Mike Sharpe Rick & Scott Steiner defeated the Beverly Brothers at 10:00 when Scott pinned Blake with the Frankensteiner (the Steiners MSG debut) Jim Powers defeated Repo Man The Ludvig Borga defeated Bert Centeno at 2:25 with a clothesline off the top for) at 18:00 with the Perfect Plex for Razor Ramon) defeated Tito Santana The Tazmaniac pinned Skip Taylor at 3:55 with an overhead belly to belly suplex (WWE: Unreleased: 1986-1995) Perfect made the save; following a commercial break, Bonnie Blackstone interviewed Michaels & Diesel backstage, with Michaels saying the only reason Diesel attacked the Kid first was because the Kid had touched him when trying to get by him to go to the ring Mr. Owen Hart vs. Johnny Polo Typhoon pinned Damien Demento at 6:25 with a powerslam WWF World Champion Yokozuna (w/ Mr. Fuji) pinned the Undertaker (w/ Paul Bearer) at 7:53 after hitting him with the salt bucket after Taker was distracted by Fuji who had stolen the urn from Bearer WWF Womens Championship Tournament First Round: Madusa defeated Alison Royal, WWF @ White Plains, NY Westchester County Civic Center November 29, 1993 (3,000) On this page you find the full WWE Roster in the year 1983. Jeff Jarrett defeated Marty Jannetty WWF Tag Team Champions Rick & Scott Steiner defeated Scott DAmore & Otis Apollo following the bulldog double team Jimmy Del Ray pinned Steve Armstrong Crush defeated Doink the Clown via reverse decision; Doink originally won the match via count-out after a second Doink came to ringside and hid under the ring, holding on to Crushs leg to prevent him from getting back in the ring; the referee then reversed the decision when he saw the second Doink Owen Hart defeated Bastion Booger Jerry Lawler defeated Randy Savage via disqualification when Bret Hart interfered for Razor Ramon) defeated Tito Santana Giant Gonzalez WWF IC Champion Shawn Michaels (w/ Diesel) pinned Bob Backlund at around the 9-minute mark with a roll up and using the tights for leverage (Shawn Michaels: Hits from the Heartbreak Kid 95) Rick & Scott Steiner defeated the Beverly Brothers, WWF @ Toronto, Ontario Maple Leaf Gardens March 28, 1993 (matinee) SMW Tag Team Champions the Rock n Roll Express fought Scott & Steve Armstrong to a double count-out The Brooklyn Brawler defeated Jim Powers (sub. WWF Tag Team Champions Rick & Scott Steiner defeated the Headshrinkers