There was a board that cracked along a glue line. If he is using a high-quality product from companies such as Delmhorst, they provide a slide hammer pin attachment, and they need to use insulated-shaft pins. There is over three foot of block above grade around the entire house. I have a black walnut slabbed up that has been air drying outside for 2 yrs. Softwoods typically have higher moisture content than hardwoods. Does coating wood with oil stabilize the moisture content in wood? Step 1: Check the Floor. And would it be normal for the MC to vary from board-to-board and one end of a board to the other? If there are quite small amounts of moisture in a wall of dense plaster or brick, then a meter will probably indicate over 20% or so and this will be in the 'red zone' or beeps and squeeks may happen. I am shipping teakwood furniture from Indonesia to California. Oiling the surface does not control the moisture in the wood. Using South Carolina Residential Construction Standards to Solve Problems, Website by Integritive Web Design :: Asheville, NC. If the conditions are too wet, dehumidify, and if they are too dry, humidify. During the increased average temperatures of spring and summer, timber moisture content reduces to more acceptable levels. 12.5% is gettin there but not quite to the 6-9% mentioned in the article. I get some water seepage through an exterior wall at basement floor level as a result of heavy rain. Sagging or Uneven Floors Solutions. He asked if I could double-check the findings of another home inspection company that requested expert advice on some mold/fungus they found in the crawl space of the home. I live in upstate South Carolina. Lets go over the basics of each, Oven dry testing is the oldest method for measuring the moisture content of wood. Varying humidity levels can cause wood to lose or gain water and shrink or expand. 1= z@ moisture will typically measure 7-10%. This water may come from condensation, roof leaks, plumbing leaks, or contact with the soil. When exposed to a constant RH, the moisture content of wood or lumber will come to equilibrium with its environment, resulting in an EMC for that species of a wood-based composite. This means your crawl space humidity goes up by about 22 degrees. The wood and varnish appear otherwise pristine, uncracked and not bubbled or clouded in any way. Like all wood materials, I-joists are susceptible to moisture. Ideally, it should be between 7% and 9%. The process is time-consuming but produces accurate results if followed correctly. The boards have dried nicely so far with minimal warpage or checking. This summer I milled several 1.25 boards from a fir log that had been cut around 10 years ago. Continue reading MC in the home. if not, can you tell me why? Im hoping this should work. Set the meter to the species that makes up the bulk, in this case, the plywood. Call JADE today for a crawlspace inspection and we can give you definitive answers to your crawl space problems! Waterproof membrane . The lumber was recently milled, although the tree had been cut months, years ago. The problem is some of the water made its way under the basmenet bathroom floor which is dricor with electric heating wire on top, then tiles, and unfortunately it looks like some of the dricor wood got wet as well! 16% 20% Readings in this range indicate a possible elevated level of wood moisture. Two weeks is sufficient for softwood. of the average flooring moisture content that is being laid). Position plywood panels at a 2-inch offset from the structural subfloor seams. Too dry and you get chipping out of the wood. However, this time I was planning to use oil based poly rather than the spar urethane to reduce the amount of yellowing. The plywood setting is .57. Typical humidity levels inside a home is between 40 to 50%. Thanks!!! Thanks. i cored out a small section of the bottom beam (3 inches wide) all the way down to the foundation. Having performed multiple (>500) soil moisture and density Sieve and Proctor, so I am well versed in moisture calculations (both add and subtract). A moisture content of less than 20% indicates that your joists and beams do not have the necessary moisture content for mold or fungus to survive. Replaced the subfloor, which is . The typical moisture content for hardwoods that will be indoors is 6-9 percent. Knowing were all the piers are, I can stand on top and feel a small hump in the floors. Because pinless meters scan the woods surface and cover a larger area than pin-type meters, they provide a more thorough picture of the woods moisture content. Please provide us with regular updates. Failure to allow the wood to acclimate or come into balance with the RH at its end-use location could result in any number of moisture-related problems after the wood product is constructed. Here is a link to a calculator and table: board, and a 12-in. It's a direct proportion: an 8-in. We have industrial fans going 24/7 to try and dry out the room and also have a dehumidifier running, Ive had the heated floor running in hopes that it could help dry any of the wet wood directly below. The ceiling in the bedroom above the chimney breast shows signs of damp however doesn't feel damp/moist. Generally the entire floor is dry. Mold starts to grow in the mid to high 20 percent moisture contents. The wood sample being tested is dried in a special oven or kiln and its weight periodically checked. Also, please feel free to provide us with the number that you called so we can make sure that all of our phone numbers are printed/posted accurately! This makes pinless moisture meters perfect for measuring the moisture content of things like expensive hardwood floors. Normal moisture content of wood ranges from 7% to 19%. If any of these conditions occur, tell your installer right away. Many thanks for your advice, really appreciate it! Yes, hardwoods such as cherry and walnut should be between 6 and 8% moisture content. hello I been getting very sick in my home so I had my manger do a mold and moisture test which came back high level of moisture levels which a contractor wants to take the sub floor up and 2 to 4 inches of the wall but my apartment manger is not releasing to report and hes is saying the spore test didnt pick up any mold spore question is it safe for me and my family to be in the home with high level of moisture in the restroom which the floor have been really soft for over 9 months now as well as the kids bedroom where a pipe burst. You should be able to tell where the water reached the subfloor because it will be discolored and may also be swelled up. The fastest way to test the moisture content of wood is to use a moisture meter. It will be there for a few months before I begin working on it. A contractor is measuring sill plates by driving 2 SS Screws into the wood about 1-1/2 or so inches. Moisture levels in your crawl space that go beyond 70% lead to mold growth and health concerns. Water was coming out of this outlet and onto the floor? The average RH of the environment where the wood will be used. 2. As long as the moisture content does not exceed those readings you should be ok. You can now understand the meaning of moisture content 5.5%, 15 g/m2/24 hours, and relative humidity 75% with these facts. Do NOT install the flooring planks until these moisture content levels are achieved. I have used spar urethane as a finish on a few other 12 to 18 MC (semi-wet) log projects that turned out wonderfully. 28% and above Readings in this range are often accompanied by decay damage. Wall Corners-Perpendicular within 1/4" in 10'. My builder and flooring contractor asked for me to give the hardwoods a season to acclimate and they would surely move back together in june/july time frame. Over a year ago, I re-shim all the piers with metal shims. Longer pins with insulated shafts are designed for the purpose. For solid strip flooring (less than 3 wide) there should be no more than a 4% difference in moisture content between properly acclimated wood flooring and subflooring materials. can be laid with falls and set downs. Summers are hot and dry while winters can be cool. I was thinking 10% MC would be ok but after reading your article Im not sure. As a result, the normal moisture meter reading for these materials in between 0.5% and 1%. The air vents stay closed year round. Why You Should Use Relative Humidity (RH) Testing, Flooring, Millwork, Furniture & Cabinet Manufacturers, How to Choose a Moisture Measurement System for Your Sawmill Buying Guide, Acceptable Moisture Levels in Wood Knowing the Moisture Content, Free Download 5 Ways Pinless Moisture Meters Save You Time and Money. I have about 3,000 sqft on my first floor and this was relatively consistent throughout. I suspect the moisture was the culprit? The interior was 3/4 BW the tables dimensions were 40x 70 . Where floor s have been covered by previous floor coverings acceptable values are up to 3.5% and 80% in-slab RH. That is still quite a wide range. I hope that helps. The supplier says they dry the wood to an MC of 14%, which is according to them the standard for outdoor furniture. At this home, cool objects include the air conditioning ductwork, the ground and the overlying wood floor system, which is exposed to very cool temperatures due to air conditioning duct leakage. "Mold requires moisture to survive, so protecting lumber and wood structures from moisture will prevent mold growth. What is a Proper Structural Engineering Inspection? The front of the . However, this range will vary slightly according to the geographic region because of varying RH levels. It gains or loses water moisture as the relative humidity (RH) of the surrounding air changes. Using a moisture meter before painting can help you determine the moisture content of the wood. Keep monitoring it. For example, a 26 Southern Pine joist can span 12'. >V@Ica4R%f%l&/R*liDqx/nB*?1MH}Su>VeyZ3?>vMLqcwY^U. Different joinery (currently using pocket holes)? I would think at least fixing your dehumidifier is a must. Since your subfloor may be concrete or wood, you should make sure you choose a meter that is specially designed for the specific element you are testing. Thanks! We are shipping some acacia chopping board to colorado ( US) with moisture ranges from 10-14% while shipping from India but once product received all get cracked . Soil is almost always damp. Based on common guidelines or recommendations, the acceptable moisture levels for wood are as follows: Wood objects used indoors: 6-8% Wood flooring: 6-9% Construction: 9-14% Keep in mind that a wood's acceptable moisture level will depend primarily on how it will be finally used and the average RH where it will be finally used. Not using the correct procedure. As with the hardwood flooring, it is essential to check the OSB's moisture content using a moisture meter. Such readings should alert the homeowner to look for a source of excess moisture. 3. Last reviewed: 12 Sep 2021 Last published: 12 Sep 2021. moisture meter testing a floor joist In this image we measure a reading of 37% in this floor joist. Retain this information with your records. 18 years ago the moist content (MC) of the beams and joist was 24% in an area of the crawl space that floods in spring. Once wood is dried below about 28% WMC, water is not available to support decay, unless the wood is exposed to liquid water. 1. This only occurs when wood changes moisture content below the fibre saturation point. Standard moisture contents for hardwoods are 6% 9% MC. On a hot, humid summer day, the air venting into the crawl space could be as much as 75% relative humidity and 85 degrees. This document describes the meaning and use of readings from a wood moisture meter. within two percentage points of the EMC where the wood is going to be used. Condensation on the inside of a windowpane. WMC of framing members in a crawl space will usually be lowest in late winter and highest in late summer. hL we are presently constructing a new timber frame residence on ocean front in BC, Canada. Wiki User. Elaine. They are returning to remove one plank and take it back to see what they can do to meet my satisfaction. Softwoods, such as spruce, can have more moisture. Thank you for the information, I use a lot of trimmed for for children toys, menu times I use rings of 1-3 inch in diameter, For these purposes I dont care for wood shrinkage or wraping, Two things are important for me that wood will not crack, and that mold wont develop. The excess moisture source should be corrected immediately, and monitored until the WMC returns to the 12-16 range. I installed a sump pump and 6 mil vapor barrier, but the barrier is not sealed around piers and the ground is moist under the barrier all year. You will however, need to become familiar with reading your local floor joist span tables for floor beams, floor joists, window and door lintels, ceiling joists, roof joists, roof rafters, and roof ridge beams, as well as the sizing and spacing of wood studs tables. Hi, we live in a coastal area, had a recent water leak, and a hard wood floor MC is measuring about 25% the water did not contact this area directly. Because of the different materials involved, they will react differently to high heat, thus giving you an un-even plywood surface. (Itd effectively seal the cavity under the vanity, so once the trim is back on, i dont think itll dry out much more.) One type of wood moisture meter. Freshly cut wood has a lot of moisture in it. Brilliant article. Also, if the leak was bad enough, it will be necessary to have a contractor make sure the strength of the subfloor isnt compromised. The MC varies from 7% 13.5% around the exterior door on dry days and 10%-16% during rains. A floor joist is a horizontal beam, usually made of wood, that is used to support and enclose the flooring above a foundation. for a mere $4900. The fir stock was originally KDd to around 8% but has been covered and stored outside for over a year and currently MC is around 12%. There are two main types of wood moisture meters, pin-type and pinless. The chart below will clear things up. I-joists are strong, lightweight, "I" shaped engineered wood structural members that meet demanding performance standards. As this moisture condenses on the floor system, it wets the wood. Your email address will not be published. Before installing plywood underlayment, ensure that the existing flooring is thoroughly vacuumed, free from debris, and stripped of wax. This would depend on the expectations of the person receiving the product in India, how large of diameter the logs are, and some average estimate of what the conditions would be inside the container during the 55 days. our question is do we need to replace the floor to avoid fungal problems? Moisture contents in wood floor joists in houses with moisture problems are exceeding the 20% maximum level for air dried lumber. Box 1088, Roseburg, OR 97470 Tel. A high reading in one area indicates a problem that must be corrected. These include warping, cracking, buckling, diminished wood strength, corrosion of fasteners, and even fungal growth. There will be statistical outliers on both the low and the high end and youll want to catch these by using a quality moisture meter. The other was for a $100 retail gift card. To do so: Make two vertical cuts through the joist a safe distance away from each end of the rotten section. We just had a hydrometer installed in the crawlspace and it is reading 38% as of today. Which do you recommend? The SG setting is on the card that comes with the meter. Most floor joists are single or double, and most often made with 2x6s or 2x8s. Thats why I think the wood is either not dried to 14%, or it has picked up too much humidity after drying. Under the floor. When the wood neither gains nor loses moisture, we say that the wood has reached its equilibrium moisture content (EMC). For example, if the moisture content of the delivered wood is 12% and the optimal MC is 6%, then physical problems will occur during the acclimation process. 17 and the flooring is at 6 to 7. As the airs RH increases, so does the moisture content of any wood exposed to the air. Good moisture content for softwoods is 10% to 14% moisture. Headers, columns, and joists are rotting. New roof first week of November. I have a question, I have moisture in the crawl space, we insulated the crawl with closed cell, cannot get the osb subfloor below. Treated wood is typically still wet when its delivered to the job site. The definitions section of the IICRC S500 current edition describes dry-standard: "a reasonable approximation of the moisture content or level of a material prior to a water intrusion," drying goal: the target moisture content or moisture level in a material to be achieved at the end of the drying process established by the restorer. : Mold & Fungus In the Crawlspace. The plumbing was improperly installed with the wrong cement to fit the pipes and could have been leaking from anywhere between 5-29 years while absorbing into the ground. Good luck. Prior to the flooring installation, make sure your subfloor has not experienced leaks or other water damage. 20% 28% Readings in this range indicate that conditions are border-line for decay. Accuaracy is of course more important.. i want to make a headboard from it. Have I been wrong? Keep air conditioning drip pans clean and the drain lines unobstructed and flowing properly. Here is a link to a moisture meter I recommend: Your ideal MC will also depend on the outdoor humidity levels. At this home, cool objects include the air conditioning ductwork, the ground and the overlying wood floor system, which is exposed to very cool temperatures due to air conditioning duct leakage. Lower differential means slower heat loss. What is an FHA Permanent Foundation for Manufactured Homes? When it comes to the moisture content of plywood or dimensional lumber, an MC of 17% to 19% reduces the overall strength of plywood, and an MC of 20% or more reduces the strength of dimensional lumber (i.e., lumber cut to certain predefined sizes, such as 2x4s). The plumber said that the floor has an elevated moisture reading and took a photo showing the 99.9% (maximum reading) on the meter while the meter was on the floor. I know the rule of thumb is 1 year of dry time per inch of thickness of wood. The National Wood Flooring Association (NWFA) has specific installation guidelines for wood flooring and how they relate to moisture content. Stopping the moisture is much cheaper and easier than repairing the structure. The home inspector failed to report all the sewage stains on the plastic and organic growth on some of the joists have which had been exposed to moisture the whole time even though the dehumidifier has been mitigating the plumbing leaks. Using wood with a moisture content above 14% isnt recommended because it may have detrimental long-term effects on the construction. I just bought a live edge slab of Cherry from a local sawmill that was kiln dried. 15% is too high, at least for hardwoods. Thank you, In wood products manufacturing, 6-8% is pretty much the norm, at least in North America. Is it possible to get a 99.9% moisture reading (using a Cassain GM-200 hydrometer) on a particle board floor which looks and feels completely dry? Thank you. I am building a farm style dining table with pecan 2 thick X 8-0 long boards. 541-679-2612 But when you touch the pins to the embedded screws, you get between 14 and 24 % in various areas of the board. Wood is used to clean model railroad tracks. It is also possible to have moisture content readings over 100%. Im not sure which part of Europe you are from, but typically the Indonesian climate is very humid compared to other parts of the world. we had a problem with our shower curb. Some wood you buy from a lumber store can be higher than 14% but typically range between 12-14%. i used my dremel with a shaping bit about 1/8 in to cut vertical slits or vents about an inch deep and a couple of inches tall into the bottom 24 and have kept a commercial floor blower on the wood several hours a day for more than a week yet, the number is not going down. They need to carry a moisture meter with them under houses and probe the floor joists to measure wood moisture content. . Can I a cut them first, then glue them once they are dryer? Am i looking at mold if i dont rip the floor out? This is the standard in the construction industry. Would the screws skew the measurements? Looking back at pictures of the build process, they brought the hardwood bundles into my home in late October of 2017 and installed them 3 days later. I strongly recommend using a moisture meter, along with a thermo-hygrometer, or even a smart logger before you start building, to ensure the wood is at an optimal moisture content in an environment that has an acceptable relative humidity and temperature range. The acceptable wood moisture content normally ranges from 6% to 8% for woodworkers who build cabinets, fine furniture, musical instruments, dishes, toys, decorative art, boat restoration, or various other wood products. One sheet of plywood is 25% next to a 2X4 truss reading 17-27%. Moisture content of 11.5% for the oak is a little high for furniture grade hardwoods. Because ventilated crawl spaces throughout the Southeast United States allow high humidity and fungus spores to enter the enclosed space beneath the home. BD-2100 Pin Meter. The levels were between 20 and 23%. Each piece of lumber is unique and carries physical characteristics that may include the following: knots, warping, shrinkage, swelling and/or splitting. Where are you located? Would it still be 9% for pressure treated wood? This weight difference is then used to calculate the woods original moisture content. But the table will be inside? A 212 joist of the same species and quality can span nearly 25'. my question is, is there a possibility that the wood will shrink because of the weather condition?the wood that we used for the door frames and bidding is beechwood. Most interior wood is in this range. Avoid unnecessary moisture exposure of all wood components by enclosing the frame against adverse weather as soon as feasible. Heres how it works. Will the reading be accurate? However, it 2nd question, will lacquer on surface of flooring affect the reading. Box 1437 Allowing the wood to acclimate in the final spot before building, really isnt possible because it is 8 hours away, and I cant take a week off to go up there and build the table. Why and how can I say this? Timber framing needs to be dried to acceptable moisture content levels as stipulated in NZS 3602:2003 Timber and wood-based products for use in building. Decay fungi need liquid water to grow. I believe you are asking for the percent moisture content (humidity) of South African woods. And it really helps to pay an HVAC contractor to better seal and insulate the A/C ducts so they dont leak cold air!!! My meter tells me anything above 12% is wet but I cannot find any source of leaking or signs of water. If you want, just give me a call at 800-634-9961, ext 225. Doesnt sound like this has been a problem in the past. He, of course, said that type of product is insufficient. Cut in the spring and stacked and dried them over the summer. There are two main ways of measuring wood moisture content: oven-dry testing and moisture meter testing. Timber logs & Lumber into India company remained actively involved in harvesting and sale of Hardwood logs of Indian origin. Thanks for the article, really appreciate the info! However, the company who maintains the dehumidifier said he tested some of the joist which he said only registered 10 on his device. When I purchase it its soaking wet and Ive always given it a few weeks, stickered and covered for at least 2 weeks, sometimes up to a month, to get it down to around 17-19%. Call 256-318-0982 or, Engineering Inspection Mortgage Companies, Unnecessary Panic! Hello Brian, I am a moisture meter expert, not a woodworking expert but from your description, the problem points to the conditions, not the wood or joinery. Water Level Survey: Are You Smarter Than an Egyptian? A mold or mildew odor or appearance on surfaces. So please help us to know what should be required moisture level in Acacia board in final product if we need to restrict wood movement at Colorado . The Building Code states that houses must be built so that a 50-year flood will not enter the building. ie SW=Starting weight, TW=Target weight, using T%=Target percentage My calculation ( T% X SW = TW). I have come across this and havent made the purchase from my friend because I am not sure about the warp or breaking it will come. These are slabs roughly 2 thick. Should I remove more foam to be sure. We appreciate you writing in, best of luck! In contrast, Las Vegas in the drier Southwest has much lower EMC percentages than most other U.S. cities. Even at this, the estimate would be the high end of MC% prior to shipment, but only rough estimate. The door is NE facing and protected from direct Sun light and rain by a porch roof. Studies have shown, however, that mold growth can occur on wood at moisture content levels above 15 to 18 percent, and corrosion of metal fasteners in treated wood can occur when moisture content exceeds 18 to 20 percent. SE, Huntsville, AL 35802. Thanks for the question. What wood do you recommend that does not have a high oil/water content? Want this question answered? This should be stuck into your wooden subfloor. guide-standards-tolerances.pdf. After you remove the old flooring, you'll need to ensure the subfloor is properly prepared before laying the new vinyl, hardwood or laminate flooring. You can use our free APP called WoodH2O to help you decide on the best moisture content. Wood Rot in Crawl Spaces: Whats That Smell in My House. 7. This article is really helpful. Whether youre a woodworker making cabinets, a wood flooring professional installing hardwood floors, or if you use wood in construction, wood moisture content (MC) should be always on your mind. This pin-type moisture meter is one of Delmhorst's most popular models. The average annual relative humidity will play the biggest role in determining what the optimal MC should be. Prior to the re-shim, the pier in the area that floods in the spring could be felt pushing up the floor, meaning the beam is warping and been monitoring it. You can determine the correct percent moisture content by using our free app called WoodH2O. So, is it really this wet or is our meter over-reading? Hello Enjoyed the article. To make sure the wood is properly dried, he always uses a moisture meter before working with it. Wood is hygroscopic. We found out that RH at the final location was under 20%. Wood shrinks or swells as its moisture content changes, but only when water is taken up or given off from the cell walls. For instance, the subfloor may appear to be dry on the surface, but still have elevated moisture within the panels. I built the tables in west Texas, but their final home is in Colorado. Every home's foundation repair needs are different based on soil type, type of foundation problem, and climate. Can carpet be reinstalled? In fact, according to M. Steven Doggett, Ph.D. LEED AP, the founder of Built Environments, Inc., wood moisture content as high as 15% can cause corrosion of metal fasteners and at 16% may lead to fungal growth. Any input would be most appreciated. The EMC of wood or lumber exposed to an outdoor atmosphere varies across the U.S. For instance, in the coastal city of Seattle, the EMC of wood or lumber is higher than the EMC of cities inland or in the Southwest. Specifically in the first 3-4 on one side of the door is 11%, then drops to ~8%. I have 1 1/2 thick cherry boards that I had milled from a tree in my yard last fall. All houses now use perimeter foundation so outside contact temperature stays at about 55 F all year. Hi Larry, We are a joinery company and we have a project here in UAE which is located in another part of the emirates and the humidity in that area is very high especially during summer because it is near the coastal area. Here is a link to our new line of meters: With a degree in Computer Systems, Larry is involved in both hardware and software development of wood moisture measurement solutions. Instead of addressing the plumbing and damaged wood, they installed a dehumidifier in 2015. Simply put, the post offers some useful information. My house is 24 years old. Does Brick Veneer Cracking Mean Foundation Problems? Divide that difference by the sum of the on-center spacing of the floor joists: 118.5" / 16" = 7.40625. Structural flooring for laying direct to joists or battens is a minimum of 19mm thick. Be notified when an answer is posted. Be on the lookout for flooring failures such as swelling, buckling, cupping, etc.
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