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So then I went on a search to try and discover why the arrow could not be showing on the page you linked to. Also, be sure to check out new icons and popular icons. Since the expand/collapse triangles display for paragraphs to which "Outline level" formatting have been applied, what you can do is remove that formatting. This is what it looks like in ui5-customization-m.Panel.css: Note the span[data-sap-ui-icon-content=].sapUiIcon::before is the essential bit that allows us to react to a specific icon value. Font Awesome is the internet's icon library and toolkit used by millions of designers, developers, and content creators. You can use this article as a reference on how to create a new . To ensure that the frameworks CSS for the ui.tree.TreeTable control is loaded before our custom CSS, simply include the sap.ui.table library in the data-sap-ui-libs property of the