And Cain went out from the presence of the Lord, and dwelt in the land of Nod, on the east of Eden. Follow along then as I read, beginning at verse 17: "Cain knew his wife, and she conceived and bore Enoch. Eventually, Cain built a city and named it "Chanoch" after his son. As we explore ancient Christianity, we can better understand our own beliefs and practices and those of our fellow Christians today. Indeed, as you say, his city would have represented the humanistic world of our times, where the behaviours, practices and attitudes of verses 29-32 abound. Only that in the case of Abraham, Abraham was the advocate. Enoch (dedicated).The eldest son of Cain, (Genesis 4:17) who called after his name the city which he built. ; Luke 3:37 (B.C. Ki in the Sumerian language seems to mean earth, and we know that Cain worked the land or earth. As for their location now, it's quite possible the citizens of the City of Enoch still reside within it. 4 I am the same which have taken the Zion of Enoch into mine own bosom. before Marduk replaced Enlil at the head of the Mesopotamian pantheon, an event linked to Babylons emergence as the regions dominant power in the 18thcentury B.C. (See? It became a city of blood and vengeance. Whoever indeed forsakes God, who abandons understanding, whose thinking is continually 'in the land of Nod' dwells there today also, that is, that person remains in wicked unsettlement of heart and in commotion of mind.". Now, instead of asking why, the lead archaeologist decided earth pressure after burial was the cause2even though none of the skulls were cracked or broken, which would be expected if the deformations had occurred after death. Enoch had a son and named him Irad. He has also published the novels The God Conspiracy and Iron Dragons, and hes a contributing author to the nonfiction anthologies Gods Ghostbusters, Blood on the Altar, I Predict: What 12 Global Experts Believe You Will See by 2025, and When Once We Were a Nation. For Cain begat Enoch, in whose name he built a city, an earthly one, which was not from home in this world, but rested satisfied with its temporal peace and /// of god/chapter 17 of the two fathers.htm, Concerning the Posterity of Adam, and the Ten Generations from Him 2. He writes, "The City of Enoch, we have seen, is admitted by all the leading Biblical experts to be identical with the City Unug or Unuk and latterly Uruk, of the Sumerians, and identical with "Erech" of the later Hebrew Old Testament texts.". I Have UpDated A Book on False Prophets(Bill Johnson,Mike Bickle), The Spirit fell while Peter spokeActs 10. Irad was the father of Mehujael. It means train in Proverbs 22:6 ("Train up a child"), but is used in Deuteronomy 20:5 of the dedication of a house; and thus Cain also calls his city "Enoch," dedicated. This family tree shows the two men named Enoch in Adam and Eve's line. Secondly, we can see the childhood/adolescent phase in Cains reply to Yahweh when he said, Am I my brothers keeper? indicating that his brother had a keeper. A scribe from Lagash appears to ridicule the long-livers by pointing out they were children in diapers for a long time, and not only were they slow to grow up they were also dull-witted, and needed someone to watch over them, usually the mother. Which city was that and what's the background in history? Isaiah predicts the fall of Israel & Judah, Prophecies written before the fall of Jerusalem, Isaiah reassures King Ahaz of God's support, Troubled times and a glorious future kingdom, 40. The convicted murderer could have chosen to submit to Gods sentence, and put himself under the mercy and protection of God, but he wanted some better security than Gods mark. In some places the serpent was referred to as the worm. And in the first year of the first week of the fifth jubilee, houses were built on the earth, and Cain built a city, and called its name after the name of his son Enoch.' (Four Jubilees would be about 196 years - Enoch was born about - 3808 B.C.) Cain built this city in the land of Fugitiveness to the E of Eden, calling it by the name of his son Enoch. (In the Septuagint's rendering of the same verse God curses Cain to , "trembling". First, let's read the actual words of Genesis 4:16-17, which The Golden Children's Bible attempted to paraphrase: Then Cain went out from the presence of the Lord and dwelt in the land of Nod on the east of Eden. Who lived there? First that it was built with a brother's blood as its cornerstone. This Enoch is not to be confused with Enoch, son of Jared, to whom the authorship of the Book of Enoch is ascribed. What can we say about Cain's wicked sanctuary-city of Enoch? Cain completely removes and replaces every trace of his past and every reminder of God in . The name of the one Both Enmerkar and Enoch have the Sumerian prefix En, meaning ruler or lord. And Mesh-ki-ang-gasher, as we noted, seems to have a literary resemblance to Cain in its middle. Illustrations by Denis Freitas. The inspired author of the book of Hebrews contrasted the faith of Abel with the unbelief of Cain, in the faith chapter. The last word, Enoch, might be a later addition. 2.51.45), , Byron 2011, p. 101. The name Nod is related to the participle, Byron (2011), pp. Nimrod wanted to ascend to the holy city and seize it. (Ge 4:16, 17; FUGITIVENESS, LAND OF A land "east of Eden," in which the condemned murderer Cain took up residence. So let us see the we refuse not Him that speaks, as His glorious, powerful voice shakes both heaven and earth, and let is have grace, whereby we might serve Him with reverence and godly fear, because our God is a consuming fire. 18 Irad was born to Enoch. While talking to the Lord, Enoch expressed his full confidence in Zion, saying, "SurelyZionshall dwell in safety forever" (Moses 7:20). In chapter 7 of the book of Moses in the Pearl of Great Price, Joseph Smith provides us with an extensive account of how Enoch built a city "called the City of Holiness, even ZION" (Moses 7:19). According toThe Pearl of Great Price: Verse by Verse Commentary, this will not be just a casual meeting, with the "receive them into our bosom" not representing a place, but a form of greeting: "an expected embrace between righteous people that is accompanied by falling on one anothers 'necks' and kissing 'each other.'". 42 And Cain knew his wife, and she conceived and bare Enoch, and he also begat many sons and daughters. He was afraid that someone would take vengeance upon him. There was not as yet population enough for a city, but Cain, as his offspring increased, determined that they should dwell together, under training, in some dedicated common abode. It's unclear where the City of Enoch was located. Gen 4:17-25 Nearly a thousand years of ancestral history passes by as the Biblical narrative moves on to Enoch (Hebrew, meaning founder), a descendent of Cain who founds the first city in Mesopotamia in c.4250BC, located at the mouth of the River Euphrates in Shinar (historical Sumer in modern-day southern Iraq) (see4 on Map 35). Finally Jude warns of those false converts and will worshippers who have gone in the way of Cain. While there are many theories about where the City of Enoch could have been, there's not enough evidence to give an exact location of where it was built. Cli. The Lord's tender admonition seems the type that would be aimed at a child whose petulance couldn't be contained. Not as Cain, who was of that wicked one, and slew his brother. * In the last days, the city and its people will return to earth and be part of the New Jerusalem. He was 68 (approx), and in a regular lifespan that would be old, but for Cain it meant that he was probably emerging out of childhood. The Sumerian King List gives us the approximate year that Uruk became a recognized city as 4544 BC. Again, this is speculative and it may be way off base so dont take it as gospel. But it wouldn't stay there forever. This essay is not in any way a thorough review of life, culture, or religion in ancient Mesopotamia, but there is one more aspect of life in the ancient Near East to call to your attention. The articles and information in this website are for education, motivation, encouragement and challenge. She conceived, and gave birth to Enoch. Cain and Abel in text and tradition: Jewish and Christian interpretations of the first sibling rivalry. Your theological questions answered right here on Quick Study Q&AEmail questions to questions@thestreamtv.comWEBSITE: . Though the Bible gives little detail about Enoch as a person, we find in the Pearl of Great Price that he considered himself "but a lad" and "slow of speech" (Moses 6:31) when he was called by God to be a prophet. NASB Cain had relations with his wife . Just like with Abraham's (Genesis 18), this verse gives us a vivid image of a trial, standing in front of God, the ultimate judge. Forget about the burden of living under the curse. And Cain knew his wife, and she conceived and bore Enoch. (Clement of Alexandria, Strom. 18 To Enoch was born Irad, and Irad fathered Mehujael, and Mehujael fathered Methushael, and Methushael fathered Lamech. ungodly daughters of Cain; and such sin prevailed, that Enoch, the seventh Nimrod, the child of his son Cush, kept Babel, built the first city, and became // chosen people/lesson i the promise.htm, The Faith of Abraham. Because of Enoch's preaching and leadership, the people of the City of Enoch were so righteous that "the Lord came anddweltwith his people" while they were on the earth (Moses 7:16). When he built a city, he called the name of the city after the name of his son, Enoch" (4:17). [12], Land of Nod Road is the name of a residential road in Windham, Maine, US (434502N 702243W / 43.7506N 70.3787W / 43.7506; -70.3787 (Land of Nod, Windham, Maine)), and a private road in Headley Down, Hampshire, UK (510716N 04759W / 51.1211N 0.7998W / 51.1211; -0.7998 (Land of Nod, Headley Down)). Got that? [6][7], Nod is said to be outside of the presence or face of God. archaeologists and sociologistshave known at least since the late 1940s that people throughout Mesopotamia, before they learned how to write, figured out how to turn their children into coneheads. //the expositors bible the epistle to the hebrews/chapter xi the faith of.htm, Enoch: Father of Methuselah--Transporting of, Enoch: Father of Methuselah--Transporting of Called Henoch. It will immeasurably enrich your understanding of such doctrines as the nature of God, pre-mortal life, the Creation, the Fall, the Atonement, the establishment of Zion, the Last Days, and the Second Coming. When God flooded the earth there were great Explosions and upheavals all over the earth. Now to Enoch was born Irad, and Irad became the father of Mehujael, and Mehujael became the father of Methushael, and Methushael became the father of Lamech. Why it is That, as Soon as Cain's Son Enoch Has Been Named, the We must first see why, in the enumeration of Cain's posterity, after Enoch, in whose name the city was built, has been first of all mentioned, the rest are at // of god/chapter 21 why it is that.htm, What Cain's Reason was for Building a City So Early in the History Scripture may not be reckoned incredible when it relates that one man built a city at a man the father of all, and Cain himself, and his son Enoch, by whose //augustine/city of god/chapter 8 what cains reason was.htm, Cain's Family and their Inventions. God bless you and your family this Christmas as we remember the birth of the King of Kings. According to the Biblical account,the first Mesopotamian city was built by Cains descendents. Cain left the presence of the Lord. Jonah goes to Nineveh & Nahum condemns it, Jonah is thrown overboard to appease the gods, 42. [5], Josephus wrote in Antiquities of the Jews (c. AD 93) that Cain continued his wickedness in Nod: resorting to violence and robbery; establishing weights and measures; transforming human culture from innocence into craftiness and deceit; establishing property lines; and building a fortified city. Genesis 4:16. There must have been others and at least two of them were girls, because Cain and Seth both married and had children of their own. "And Enoch beheldangelsdescending out of heaven, bearingtestimonyof the Father and Son; and the Holy Ghost fell on many, and they were caught up by the powers of heaven into Zion" (Moses 7:27). Adam and Eve. How to get right with God: Sacrifice or Faith? He saw the God of Heaven weep as He looked upon the wickedness of the world and the eventual flood that would destroy the wicked, events that would not happen for hundreds of years. And Cain's family built a city in that land; and Cain named the city after his first child, whom he had called Enoch. A point of irony is seen in God's cities of refuge, which offered safe haven to those who had accidentally killed another person. Genesis mentions that Cains sixth generation included TubalCain, who forged all kinds of tools out of bronze and iron. The first city built inthe Bible was the city f noch named after the prophet Enoch.Gen_4:17 And Cain knew his wife; and she conceived, and bare Enoch: and he [Enoch] builded a city . He saw God receive Zion "up into his own bosom" (Moses 7:69). "Cain knew his wife, and she conceived and bore Enoch. This essay is not in any way a thorough review of life, culture, or religion in ancient Mesopotamia, but there is one more aspect of life in the ancient Near East to call to your attention. The seven kings with whom she commits fornication, ultimately turn on . Gen 4:25 - 5:32 Adam and Eve have another son called Seth, and the Biblesketches outtheir family history. He builded a city.--Heb., was building, that is, began to build a city. Along with An (or Anu) the sky god and Enlil, the god of the air, Enki was one of the three most important gods in Sumer. And Cain knew his wife, and she conceived and bore Enoch. Or eternal life in God's kingdom? Lets just hope when archaeologists 8,000 years from now discover the remains of our civilization, its not by stumbling across the shell of a Wawa or a Piggly Wiggly. Altogether, Enoch lived a total of . after his call, the Lord showed Enoch, and us, a little more about the ancient prophet's divine potential: And we find later in Moses that God's promises to Enoch were fulfilled as he led the people of God against their enemies. After the birth of Enoch, the Hebrew text of Genesis 4:17 is unclear. Ezekiel warns of the conquest of Jerusalem, Ezekiel's vision of idolatry in the Temple, Ezekiel speaks through prophesies and parables, Further prophecies & the fall of Jerusalem, Hope for the future - New life for Israel, 45. 1) Gen 4:17: In parallel with Gen 4:1, Moses wrote, "Then Cain knew his wife. Crop irrigation developed by about 5000 B.C., so cereals and grains could grow in the dry climate that again dominated the region. And Cain knew his wife; and she conceived, and bare Enoch: and he builded a city, and called the name of the city, after the name of his son, Enoch. 20 Adah gave birth to Jabal; he was the ancestor of . However, the older Sumerian story credits Enki with giving life to all things, including mankind, and names Enlil the slayer of Tiamat. Inventions. Ecclesiastes 2:4-11 I made me great works; I builded me houses; I planted me vineyards: . What a contrast is Cains city to the lowly manger. When I reflect on how I found the gospel, I realize that my familys experiences informed two important pieces of my testimony. In the English tradition Nod was sometimes described as a desert inhabited only by ferocious beasts or monsters. It places Cain's city of refuge in contrast to later Palestinian cities of refuge established by God (Numbers 35:25-32). The Philosopher, the Lover & the Mourner, Introduction to the Old Testament Prophets, Amos denounces social injustice in Israel, Hosea laments the unfaithfulness of Israel, Micah decries social injustice in Israel and Judah, 39. He is described as a son of Cain, and father of Irad. Although agricultural settlements like Jericho (c. 9000 B.C.) Figuratively, Isa. How to get right with God: By water or the Spirit? The Eridu Crania: A Preliminary Report,,,, Cain, the First City, and the Mystery of Head Shaping, Copyright - All Pro Pastors International. Some scholars, such as Egyptologist David Rohl, believe its possible that the he in the second sentence refers to Enoch, not Cain. Genesis 4:17. Cain essentially dedicated the first Biblically known antediluvian city after his first child, to become the city ( ) of Enoch (Gen.4:17). . Trust ye in theLordfor ever: for in theLord Jehovahis everlasting strength:For he bringeth down them that dwell on high; the lofty city, he layeth it low; he layeth it low, even to the ground; he bringeth it even to the dust. Ge 4:17. For . It is worth notice that in the line of Seth, the name of the seventh and noblest of that race, is also Enoch, whose training was a close walk with God. Genesis 5:22-24 says, "After he became the father of Methuselah, Enoch walked faithfully with God 300 years and had other sons and daughters. Each city in Mesopotamia had a patron god or goddess. In Eridu, Alulim became king; he ruled for 28,800 years. According to the Book of Jubilees 4:9, Enoch's mother/aunt was named Awan. Enoch: Son of Cain, Biblical figure. Lamech likely lived near the city of Enoch that his great-great-great grandfather, Cain built. The importance of a deity was, as youd guess, tied to the fortunes of its city. Its Native American name was Nena Saawaattawattocks. The city of Uruk started sometime before 4000 BC. Dereks most recent book is The Great Inception: Satans PSYOPs from Eden to Armageddon. When the people of God were attacked, their enemies fled to "a land out of the depth of the sea, and so great was the fear of the enemies of the people of God, that they fled and stood afar off and went upon the land which came up out of the depth of the sea" (Moses 7:14), which could have been anisland or a peninsula in the general region of the City of Enoch. Of the 206 sets of remains the archaeologists exhumed, all of the crania had been deformed in one fashion or another., Now, instead of asking why, the lead archaeologist decided earth pressure after burial was the cause. Its something we usually only hear about from fringe pseudo-scholars who blame the phenomenon on extraterrestrials. To Enoch was born Irad, and Irad fathered Mehujael, and Mehujael fathered Methushael, and Methushael fathered . God breathed into Adam in 5148 BC (according to Septuagint numbers; see Patriarchs' Timeline). His purpose was much the same as that of the builders of the Tower of Babel, who wanted to keep mankind together that they might form a powerful community. 11:1; Jer. We are also further told that Cane and his Wife conceived and bore a Son called Enoch, and that Cain built a City, and called the City by the name of his Son Enoch. Why Cain Built A CityGenesis 4 pt 8. He is described as a son of Cain, and father of Irad. 40,000 residents with about 80,000 people living in the surrounding areas - city-states were a feature of southern Mesopotamia. Thank you, Pastor Bill, for another profound meditation on the plight of Cain. Was Jesus an outspoken rabbi or was he God? All the buildingsgone. In that case the builder of the city was Enoch, and the city was named for, To speculate a little further, we can apply a rudimentary translation to the name Alulim and come up with fourth man (, = four). Depiction of Cain establishing the city of Enoch, by, Learn how and when to remove this template message,, Short description is different from Wikidata, Articles needing additional references from December 2017, All articles needing additional references, Pages using infobox person with multiple parents, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 8 February 2023, at 11:38. He had a child he named Enoch, and he then named the city after him (Genesis 4:17). The Sumerian language has no modern equivalent language, unlike Akkadian, so we may not always see an immediate connection in the Sumerian words or names they used. Both biblical data and extra-biblical evidence suggest that Cain's motivation for building the city involved three factors. Daniel 4:30 The king spake, and said, Is not this great Babylon, that I have built for the house of the kingdom by the might of my power, and for the honour of my majesty? So Cain departed from the presence of the Lord. "The city of Enoch" can refer to Zion, the city built by Enoch that was eventually lifted up into Heaven (Moses 7:19-24). 19 And Lamech took two wives. The Sumerian King List describes Eridu as the first city in the southern Mesopotamian area that had a king. A city doomed to judgement. We note that Cain, who previously had no response to the living, personal God, when God was warning him against sin, and afterwards when God was calling him to repentance. But if its correct, then Alulim might have been Irad, the fourth man, or fourth generation, after creationAdam, Cain, Enoch, Iradand the first king of the first city on Earth, Eriduthe city which bore his name. Genesis 4:17. If we place a global flood sometime between 4000 and 3500 B.C. To help you remember that these great events are coming, you will need: heavy paper, glue, scissors, a sharpened pencil, and string. Open ye the gates, that the righteous nation which keepeth the truth may enter in. Many of Lamech's ancestors were likely alive and also lived in the vicinity of Enoch. [11], The name "Land of Nod" was accorded locally to the northerly 3,000 acres (1,214.1 hectares) of the Great Plot lying north of Woburn, Massachusetts, at its foundation in 164042, "the name being probably suggested by a comparison of its forlorn condition so far remote from church ordinances with the Nod to which Cain wandered when he went 'from the presence of the Lord'." It was built by Adam's son Cain, east of Eden in the land of Nod. There is no biblical record of the birth of Cain so we cant reliably date it, but his younger brother Seth was born in 4918 BC. The importance of a deity was, as youd guess, tied to the fortunes of its city. Thats outside the scope of what were trying to do here.) And Cain went out from the presence of theLord, and dwelt in the land of Nod, on the east of Eden. The old question, Where did Cain find his wife? isnt that hard to answer.). Thus began a vision of what would happen to the earth from then to the Millennium, and where Zion would eventually be located. Enoch and all who lived in Zion, his city, were so righteous that Heavenly Father took the whole city up into heaven. An adult is usually able to avoid wearing their heart on their sleeve, but a child is not experienced enough to dampen the display of their feelings. They have also uncovered fragments of bitumen-covered reed boats used by these early people (similar to those still used by the Marsh Arabs of southern, Over the years, the sandy island was slowly extended by building out over mats of berdi reeds laid at the waters edge, and the surrounding swamplands were gradually drained. A city built by Cain after he left the presence of the Lord to the land of Nod (Genesis 4:16). . The name of Enoch means "dedicated one.". Will the city give him the sense of permanence and security that he craves? This Enoch was the great-great-great-great-grandson of Adam. This could indicate that he tunneled below, and that Enoch was an underground city, thus fulfilling the curse against the serpent who would "crawl on his belly" and "eat dust". Either Cain built a city and named it after the mighty Enoch, or else Enoch built a city. 206 out of 206. Archaeologists who study the Ubaid culture agree that it spread from Eridu in southeast Iraq, eventually going as far as what is today northwest Iran, northern Syria, southern Turkey, and the Levant (Syria/Lebanon/Jordan/Israel). (en) : an: Enoch [ink] . Although Enlil was the king of the gods, Enki was the keeper of the mes (sounds like mezz), decrees of the gods that formed the fundamental concepts and gifts of civilizationeverything from religious practices to social interaction to music. The city of the Whore eventually becomes a self-destructive enterprise. After the kingship descended from heaven, the kingship was in Eridu. And he built a city, and called the name of the city after the name . Just as Eridu was the home of Enki, Enlil was chief deity at Nippur, Inanna (Ishtar) was supreme at Uruk, the sun god Utu was the patron deity of Sippar, and so on.