Indeed, Pilate's question, "What is truth?" This is because the letter Heh was dropped entirely from those names. Consistently, the scribes did not want anyone to accidentally pronounce the Heavenly Fathers name when saying these other names, so they changed the vowel points of names that began with. The Gospels were written in Greek, which means we lose some of their Hebrew context. Shin Produces the sh sound. This letter is nowhere represented. Different languages have sounds that others do not have, such asthe sh sound in English does not exist in Spanish, and Americans havedifficulty learning how to roll their rrs in Spanish. He hath gold, and all the forces of power. It means "Yahweh [the Lord] is Salvation." The English spelling of Yeshua is " Joshua .". This is why #3443 mentions Yeshuwa as coming from Chaldean (Aramaic) in the above definition (3443. In Hebrew the suffixes and some prepositions are added to the basic word to enhance the meaning, and where this has been done the meaning of the suffix or preposition has been included in highlighted text. The emphasis was placed on the first syllable andpronounced YAY-soos, since the Romans liked to accent the second from thelast syllable. They had only been baptized in thenameof the Master Yahushua. 12:3 Therefore with joy shall you draw water out of the wells of salvation. From this Hebrew word we also get the name Joshua ( Joshua 5:15) or Hoshea ( Numbers 13:8; Deuteronomy 32:44 ). Otherwise produces a W sound. Anokhi aleph v'tav rishon v'acharon rosh vasof 1755 || You could make an interesting case for Paul however, because the New Testament suggests he used both translations of his name, depending on context. It is important that we acknowledge the full meaning. This requires putting scriptures together where they seem to have a similar meaning, and then meditating Click here to listen to how Yahushua is pronounced. In addition to validating the biblical account in 2Kings 25:27-29 where it mentions that Jehoiachin (Yahuiachin) ate at the kings table, these tablets help to establish the way these names were pronounced before the Masorite scribes inserted their vowel pointing, based on tradition: Yaukin, king of the land of Yahud, (Jehoiachin, the king of the land of Judah). In the Tanakh, emet is often coupled with chesed, covenant faithfulness, which designates God's loyalty in fulfilling his promises and his covenant. A final a on a name, however, was most commonly feminine in both Greekand Latin (as in modern day Spanish). There are several definitions of Yeshua that can be found in Hebrew and Aramaic biblical text, taken from the Hebrew verb, yasha, that means "to deliver, save, or rescue," and also stated as "Yehoshua." Pronunciation of "Yeshua," in Hebrew, can be read this way: "Yod," "Shin," "Vav," "Ayin." 33:2 O Yahweh, be gracious to us; we have waited for you: be you their arm every morning, our salvation also in the time of trouble. Joshua ben Perachyah) and after Jesus (e.g., Joshua ben Hananiah). The prophet Elijah famously took a stand on Mt Carmel against the prophets of Baal. Joshua is stated as Jeshua in some English Bibles, and as you read several of these verses, you can see the resemblance of Joshua leading the Jews out of Egypt as how Yeshua would lead and save all people years later as the Savior. The Aramaic Bibles and the Syriac Peshitta preserve these same spellings. A tradition states that the shortening to Yeshu relates to the Y-SH-U of the yimach shemo, "may his name be obliterated. Waw Again, produces an oo (u) sound as in #7307 Ruach. Every blessing be to those who seek the truth of God's word. In short, Jesus Christ is Yeshua HaMashiach isAnointed Salvation. For this reason, many English translations will render Adonai Yahweh as the Lord GOD with GOD being in all capitals to let the reader know that this is where the sacred name is found in the Hebrew. These things alone make it quite impossible that Iesous comes from Zeus. The Following Video covers this topic in more depth: Some have written me asking for an explanation of why I use the form Yahushua in reference to the Messiah while others use Yahshua, Yeshua or Yehoshua. Various lexicons such as the New Brown-Driver-Briggs-Gesenius Hebrew-English Lexicon (p. 219 b) and the Hebrew Aramaic Lexicon of the Old Testament (under Ahaz) mention this inscription as well. What is the Meaning of the Name El Shaddai? 7677 || In fact,the Greek language spells Zeus (#2203 in the Strongs Lexicon) asand doesnt even have the same letters (Zeta/epsilon/upsilon/sigma) or sound as the second syllable in Iesous, which is (Sigma/Omicron/upsilon/sigma). Try reading them with that in mind, and it may feel like you are reading straight from the New Testament: Oh, that the salvation (Yeshua) of Israel would come out of Zion! The Hebrew of the Dead Sea Scrolls is written in the form of Hebrew used in the Second Temple era. Greek translations have Yeshua listed as Yesous, among first century Greeks, of which the name, Jesus, is derived. Yeshua and the Hebrew Alphabet The Aleph and the Tav. Jesus - Yeshua in Hebrew - Hebrew Word of the Day - YouTube The English spelling for Isous is "Jesus.". High quality Yeshua In Hebrew Letters-inspired gifts and merchandise. 7585 || Moreover, Eusebius (early 4th century) reports that Papius (early 2nd century) reports that Jesus's disciple Matthew the Evangelist wrote a gospel "in the Hebrew language". The Yeshua name, spelled(Yod Shin Waw Ayin), is found in the books of Nehemiah and Ezra where it lists the names of those who returned from the Babylonian exile. 5769 || This brief article is incomplete and (IY"H) will be revised later. Yeshua and the Hebrew Alphabet The Aleph and the Tav. Yeshua - Wikipedia Hebrew for ChristiansCopyright John J. ParsonsAll rights reserved. Jonah 2:9 But I will sacrifice to you with the voice of thanksgiving; I will pay that which I have vowed. Interestingly, there is evidence that although the name of Yahushua was written in Greek as, it may have actually been pronounced the way a Hebrew speaking person would pronounce it. Then, he was used by God to draw Israel out of Egypt. Again, from the Youngs Literal Translation: Job 36:19- Doth He value thy riches (shua, salvation)? None of these languages accurately convey the original Hebrew pronunciation, so why not return to the original, correct, Hebraic form? The final [] represents the "patach genuvah" ("furtive" patach), indicating that the consonant ayin is pronounced after the a vowel, and the word's stress is moved to the middle syllable (the characteristics of the furtive patach can be seen in other words, such as , [ru] 'spirit'). Since they understood that the J sound is not in the Hebrew language, Yahshua was apparently considered correct. Waw Also called Vav. Isaiah 12:2 Behold, God is my salvation; I will trust, and not be afraid: for Yah Yahweh is my strength and my song; he has also become my salvation. There were no concerns by the scribes that His name would accidentally be pronounced when there were no Hebrew letters that followed afterand so they provided the correct vowels. 42:5 Why are you cast down, O my soul? A Jewish teacher (Jesus) speaks to His Jewish disciples, from the Hebrew Scriptures, while in the land of Israel. The latest Jewish Voice news, articles, and resources sent straight to your inbox. During the second Temple period (beginning 538 BC70 AD), Yeshua first became a known form of the name Yehoshua. Those churches following the East Syriac Rite still preserve the name Isho. Anyone who speaks more than one language or has done work intranslating knows that names can pose a particular challenge. In Ya (, [jeu]), the Hebrew letter yod (, /j/ is vocalized with the Hebrew vowel tsere (/e/, a 'long' e like the first syllable of "neighbor" but not diphthongized), rather than with a shva (//, as Y'shua) or segol (//, Yesh-shua). This reflects the Hebrew spelling of the same name. Which is why we want to teach you seven Hebrew words that will transform the way you read the Bible. ", Considered this way, Jesus is the Direct Object of the Universe, the End (sof) of all of creation. While there are some out there claiming that Jesus is somehow derived from Zeus, I have yet to find anyone who is willing to present hard evidence of this claim. v. (Modena was a 17th-century polemicist and does not have reliable linguistic evidence for the claim.) Think of it this way: Words for the same object are said differently across languages. How Daniels Prophecy of 70 Weeks Connects to the End Times. All of them, of course, in their own language. Although the New Testament is not written in Hebrew, it is still communicating the same message as the Old Testament. How would Yeshua (Jesus) have written His Name? | Jewish Voice Unlike theGreek, all the letters of the Aramaic-Hebrew alphabet are consonants. been included in highlighted text. The predominant spelling isbut the longer spelling is also found in scripture. when Yahweh brings back the captivity of his people, Jacob shall rejoice, and Israel shall be glad. Choose either red or purple bezel setting. The initial Y (Hebrew and Aramaic letter yod) was easy. And in Hebrew, His name looks like this: . Though Yeshua is not as verbally attached to Jesus in modern Christianity as it is for those who follow Judaism, all should still view Yeshua as a name that celebrates what He did on earth and heaven for all those who profess His existence. Sterling silver bracelet depicting the Ancient Hebrew letters spelling Yeshua (the Hebrew name of Jesus). Heh As a Hebrew vowel letter it can produce the Ah (like in #8283 Sarah). If this item is listed as out of stock or on backorder, please . Yeshua, the salvation that was brought to the Jews first, was then shared with the whole world. NAS Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible with Hebrew-Aramaic and Greek Dictionaries Copyright 1981, 1998 by The Lockman Foundation All rights reserved Brown-Driver-Briggs Yeshua Hebrew Letters Gifts & Merchandise for Sale | Redbubble 21:1 The king shall joy in your strength, O Yahweh; and in your salvation how greatly shall he rejoice! For it to mean Salvation it would have to have the Hebrew letter heh added to the end of it, changing the spelling to(Yod Shin Waw AyinHeh) and it would need to have the Sheva vowel point under the Yod. [1][2], The Hebrew spelling Ya () appears in some later books of the Hebrew Bible. was your wrath against the sea, that you rode upon your horses and your chariots of salvation? 62:1 For Zion's sake will I not hold my peace, and for Jerusalem's sake I will not rest, until its righteousness goes forth as brightness, and its salvation as a lamp that burns. Each letter is trimmed in a smooth finish with hammered and oxidized interior background with a black leather strap. We need to remember that the Old and the New Testaments were not written in the same language. So lets see what it says about the name of Yeshua. Acts 19:17- This became known both to all Jews and Greeks dwelling in Ephesus; and fear fell on them all, and thenameof the Master Yahushua was magnified. Anokhi ha-derekh ve'ha'emet ve'ha-chayimve'ish lo-yavo el-ha'av bilti al-yadi. One name is translated from Hebrew into English, the other from Greek into English. The Is Jesus Christ's Hebrew name, Yeshua Hamashiach, the correct one? For I am ready not only to be bound, but also to die at Jerusalem for thenameof the Master Yahushua.. So the name Jesus is the result of 3 different languages placing their influence on the original name the disciples were proclaiming, baptizing in and praying in. A name that began as the AramaicYeshua, would remain written in English as it was in Medieval Latin, but nowwould be pronounced in English-speaking countries as the familiar nameJesus. He is the author of the best-selling book ISRAEL RISING. 3722 || Yeshua and the Hebrew Alphabet - sS. 59:17 For he put on righteousness as a breastplate, and a helmet of salvation upon his head; and he put on the garments of vengeance for clothing, and was clad with zeal as a cloak. So the pronunciation Yahusha can be proven wrong by simply looking at the scriptures and knowing that in order to arrive at the Yahusha pronunciation, we would need to ignore the scriptures which clearly have a(oo sound) after the(sh sound). Thus, this High Priest (Yahushua) had the same name as the coming Messiah who would reign as a priest on His throne. Man or Yahweh? 22:13). Possibly the Masorites, just as they improperly vowel pointed the Messiahs name as Yeho-shua, didnt vowel point those names properly to avoid accidental pronunciation of the Heavenly Fathers name, Yahweh. Yeshua the Messiah testified that He is the Aleph and the Tav, the First (rishon) and the Last (acharon), and the Beginning (rosh) and the Ending (sof): I am the Aleph and the Tav, the beginning and the end, the first and the last (Rev. 107b on p. ", Michael H. Cohen A Friend of All Faiths Page 42 2004 "In Hebrew school, one of my teachers had explained that Yeshu (Hebrew for Jesus), rather than meaning "Saviour," in fact was an acronym that stood for yimach shemo ve-zichrono: "may his name and memory be erased ", Proceedings: Volume 4 Aademyah ha-le'umit ha-Yire'elit le-mada'im 1969 "Perhaps the most significant of these is the passage where instead of the printed 'that certain man' we find 'Jesus the Nazarene may his name be obliterated' (thus also in a Genizah MS, British Museum, Or. And this is just in the book of Acts! The first spelling has 6 lettersand the second spelling has 5 letters. [27] For example, the Dead Sea Scrolls spell the Hebrew word (/rui/, 'seen') variously, recording both pronunciations: reduced ([ro]) and expanded ([ruwi]).[28]. They would then have to say Adonai Adonai, a rather odd (if not a bit embarrassing) phrase. 5715 || And why are you disquieted within me? Acts 9:27- But Barnabas took him and brought [him] to the apostles. Probably the first monks to do this were German, because the letter j inthat language sounds the same as the y in English, as still seen in theirlanguage today (German ja is pronounced yah). is a category mistake, since truth is not about "what" but about "Who." Original Word: Part of Speech: proper name, masculine; proper name, of a location; proper name Transliteration: Yehoshua Phonetic Spelling: (yeh-ho-shoo'-ah) Definition: "the LORD is salvation", Moses' successor, also the name of a number of Isr But while this may be true in some Hebrew words, there is evidence to support that this was not necessarily true in ancient times. Around 178 CE, a pagan by the name of Celsus engaged in written debates with Christians. The modern dayHebrew alphabet is actually the Chaldean or Babylonian letters, whichreplaced the Paleo-Hebrew script after the captivity. When God brings back the captivity of his people, Jacob shall rejoice, and Israel shall be glad. What does it mean? Unlike English, Hebrew was written with mostly all consonants. According to the Book of Numbers verse 13:16, the name of Joshua, the son of Nun was originally Hoshea (), and the name Yehoshua () is usually spelled the same but with a yod added at the beginning. 52:7 How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of him who brings good news, that publishes peace; that brings good news of good, that publishes salvation; who says to Zion, Your God reigns! The Youngs Literal Translation reads it this way: Job 30:24- Surely not against the heap Doth He send forth the hand, Though in its ruin they have safety (shua, salvation), So the word could legitimately come from yasha and carry the meaning of salvation.. To demonstrate this, lets look at the individual letters of. Habakkuk 3:8 Was Yahweh displeased against the rivers? Notice that the Hebrew word for truth (i.e., emet: ) contains the first letter Aleph (), the middle letter Mem (), and the last letter Tav () of the Hebrew alphabet, which the Jewish sages say implies that the truth contains everything from Aleph to Tav: The Hebrew word emet has a more concrete meaning than the English word for "truth" (the English word derives from the Greek/Western view of truth as a form of correspondence between language and reality, but invariably languished over epistemological questions that led, ultimately, to skepticism). 33:6 And wisdom and knowledge shall be the stability of your times, and strength of salvation: the fear of Yahweh is his treasure. He's often called just Barabbas and was the prisoner Pilate released instead of Jesus Christ: In the genealogy of Jesus, an ancestor of Christ is called Jesus (Joshua) in Luke 3:29. One person wrote a book which claimed that Iesous means Hail Zeus. In one of them, Celsus (speaking of Christians) said: But of course they think otherwise: they assume that by pronouncing the name of their teacher they are armored against the powers of the earth and air. They followed this protocolthroughout the New Testament, changing Mashiach (Messiah) to Messias, Elijah to Elias, Jehudah (Judah) to Judas, etc. 14:7 Oh that the salvation of Israel came out of Zion! In fact, some Christians argue that those who refer to Christ as Jesus instead of his Hebrew name, Yeshua, are worshiping the wrong savior. How Yeshua Became Jesus - the Journey of Language Our third word is Yehu-dah, from which we get Judah [Israelite tribe] or Judea [the region in Israel]. Rather Yahushua is more correct and there is no reason to mispronounce the Heavenly Fathers name when speaking the name of His Son. We appreciate your interest and look forward to keeping you up to date with how God is using this ministry throughout the world to bring healing, hope, and the Good News of Yeshua. The next letter in the Aramaic name Yeshua was the Hebrew letter waw (Modern Hebrew's vav), which here represents the sound oo as in too. But when you examine how the word shua is actually used in the Hebrew, it becomes evident that the Strongs Lexicon may not be correct about that. 52:10 Yahweh has made bare his holy arm in the eyes of all the nations; and all the ends of the earth shall see the salvation of our God. The Hebrew name Yehoshua generally reduced to Yeshua, but an expanded Yehoshua is possible, especially in Galilee, whose traditional orthography possibly reflects this. Because Hebrew does not need to have the extra wawto give us the shua sound (the Hebrew language does not always supply vowels), this would explain the shorter spelling. 1st and 2nd Chronicles, post-exilic books that were written by Ezra the scribe, (compare the ending of 2 Chronicles to the beginning of Ezra) also have this Aramaic spelling. The Hebrew name of Jesus is probably pronounced Yeshua, although this is uncertain and depends on the reconstruction of several ancient Hebrew dialects. Due to the fact that the Dead Sea Scrolls are older than the Masoretic text, and the longer spelling is more frequent in the Dead Sea Scrolls than the Masoretic text, it would appear to me that the longer spelling was the original. The name occurs in the Hebrew of the Old Testament at verses Ezra 2:2, 2:6, 2:36, 2:40, 3:2, 3:8, 3:9, 3:10, 3:18, 4:3, 8:33; Nehemiah 3:19, 7:7, 7:11, 7:39, 7:43, 8:7, 8:17, 9:4, 9:5, 11:26, 12:1, 12:7, 12:8, 12:10, 12:24, 12:26; 1 Chronicles 24:11; and 2 Chronicles 31:15, and also in Aramaic at Ezra 5:2. Those who use Yahusha will sometimes claim that shua can actually mean riches. This word Shua and the riches definition is found as Hebrew word #7769 in the Strongs lexicon. Fairchild, Mary. 78:22 Because they did not believe in God, and did not trust in his salvation: White or transparent. The Late Biblical Hebrew spellings for earlier names often contracted the theophoric element Yeho- to Yo-. It takes two letters, however, the omicron (o) and the upsilon (u). 16 For I will show him how many things he must suffer for Mynamessake., Acts 9:21- Then all who heard were amazed, and said, Is this not he who destroyed those who called on thisnamein Jerusalem, and has come here for that purpose, so that he might bring them bound to the chief priests?. The bible code is found in Leviticus. But Paul, greatly annoyed, turned and said to the spirit, I command you in thenameof Yahushua Messiah to come out of her. And he came out that very hour. The book of Nehemiah also changes the name of Joshua the son of Nun to Jeshua, the son of Nun: Nehemiah 8:17- And all the congregation of them that were come again out of the captivity made booths, and sat under the booths: for since the days ofJeshua the son of Nununto that day had not the children of Israel done so. 149:4 For Yahweh takes pleasure in his people: he will beautify the meek with salvation. 15:2 Yahweh is my strength and song, and he has become my salvation: he is my God, and I will glorify him; my father's God, and I will exalt him. For one who could speak the ancient language, no confusion would exist. why are you so far from my deliverance, and from the words of my roaring? Yeshua Dimensional Bracelet - Hebrew Word Pics 5162 || The 'Shin' may be depicted differently depending on the time period, but represents two front teeth and can mean sharp, eat, consume, separate, or destroy. YAHSHUA - Madison Hebrew Roots Actions, speech, reports, or judgment are emet because they are reliable (Deut. 1061 || // What Messiah Means in Jewish Tradition. Answer Yeshua Hamashiach means " Jesus the Messiah ." The name Jesus is the Greek form of the Hebrew name Yeshua, which is the shortened form of the name Yehoshua. The involvement of the Council of Nicea, within the Roman Catholic Church, as well as influence of the English language into biblical text changed the use of Yeshua to describe the Savior into Jesus. of However, I later learned that Yahshua clearly ignores the third letter of the Messiahs name (Waw) which gives us the oo (u) sound in Yahushua. Johns father Zechariah prophesied that his son will give to His people the knowledge of salvation (Yeshua) by the forgiveness of their sins (Luke 1:77). 5315 || 8398 || Truth is essentially personal. With the use of the Hebrew language God revealed Himself to mankind. 9:14 That I may show forth all your praise in the gates of the daughter of Zion: I will rejoice in your salvation. Anokhi aleph v'tav rishon v'acharon rosh vasof. What Does Yeshua Mean? - Yeshua is Salvation 22:13). 0571 || The truth will be revealed by the Holy Spirit, who has been given to guide us into all truth (John 16:13). It takes two letters, however, the omicron (o) and the upsilon (u). To conclude that the shorter spelling must mean His name is also pronounced Yahusha ignores the fact that Hebrew words do not usually supply us with vowel sounds. 3394 || In the documentary The Lost Tomb of Jesus, archeologist Amos Kloner stated that the name Yeshua was then a popular form of the name Yehoshua and was "one of the common names in the time of the Second Temple. Acts 3:16- And Hisname, through faith in Hisname, has made this man strong, whom you see and know. This Hebrew word study is about the meaning of the Hebrew word , 'yeshua or yeshua' meaning 'salvation', and gives Acts 15:26- men who have risked their lives for thenameof our Master Yahushua Messiah. His new online video course, "10 Prophecies Fulfilled in Our Lifetime" connects bible prophecy with its fulfillments in Israel today. 74:12 For God is my King of old, working salvation in the midst of the earth. The English spelling of Yeshua is Joshua. However, when translated from Hebrew into Greek, in which the New Testament was written, the name Yeshua becomes Isous. Thus, the statement that Iesous meant Hail Zeus had nothing to do with its meaning in the Greek language. Perhaps this is why the very next verse says, His father and mother were amazed at the things which were being said about Him. (Luke 2:33). The following oo sound is indicated by a vowel pointing but Deut. on and notes made of their meaning in different contexts. [22], Apart from the "Yeshua Yeshua ben Yosef" ossuary, the only other known evidence for the existence of a Yeshua form prior to the material related to Jesus in the Talmud, is a graffito which Joachim Jeremias identified in Bethesda in 1966, but which is now filled in.[23].